Sunday, November 25, 2007

No Longer Able to Ignore Good News

As violence continues to decline in Iraq as a result of the Petraeus Surge, the leading Democrat presidential pretenders find themselves backed in an uncomfortable corner of their own making. For months, and in some cases years, they have been undermining the US mission in Iraq and demanding immediate withdrawal and defacto surrender to Islamist Terrorists. After supporting the war when politically advantageous, Clinton and Edwards, like vanes in the political winds, have swung to anti-war / anti-Bush zealots shamelessly pandering to the rabid mouth-foaming Left. Hussein Obama touts his credentials of not having voted to authorize the war. In fact, he did not vote against it either. He wasn’t even in Congress then. Talk about experience!

Almost from the time boots hit the ground, anti-war Leftists have been demanding immediate withdrawal based on the violence and sectarian fighting in Iraq. Sunnis vs Shites with Americans caught in the middle. Never once have they acknowledged the cause of most of the violence was the result of Iran inserting itself in the mix continuously stirring the pot and providing arms to the warring factions. Nonetheless, the main reason they gave for cutting and running was the security situation and perceived civil war.

Then along came General David Petraus and his “Surge” strategy; Brilliant in its simplicity and amazingly effective. Of course, this was immediately labeled a failure by Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry (land deal) Reid with his proclamation, “This war is lost.”

Far from being “lost”, the Surge has routed al-Qeada in Iraq from Baghdad and inflicting on them an humiliating loss of face with the ‘Arab Street.’ Violence is down by more than fifty-percent in Baghdad and more in other parts of Iraq. Tribal leaders, tired of al-Qeada brutal tactics and imposition of strict Islamic Law, have turned against them and allied themselves with US Troops. Iran has even greatly reduced its influence in the theater as a result.

Unable to ignore the progress of the US Military, despite the almost complete boycott of positive reporting by the media, the pandering politico class are sensing a change of direction in the political winds and true to their character, or lack thereof, they are changing their tone. No longer to you hear the constant drumbeat of “violence”, “security” and “civil war” as reasons for immediate withdrawal, it is now “lack of political progress.” True, the federal government of Iraq, as not performed to the expectations of US advisors. In fact they have been almost dysfunctional. (It is really the height of chutzpa to see US House Leader Nancy Pelosi (d) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (d), leaders of the dysfunctional US Congress, point fingers at the Iraqis!)

What is happening is amazing political progress, not from the top down, but from the ground up! Local tribal governments have taken the lead and are making their towns and cities work. Oil revenues are being shared, despite a lack of a federal law mandating it. The northern Kurd region is, for all intents and purposes, autonomous and governing themselves quite nicely. Again without federal mandates. The point is, Iraqis are taking control of themselves and their lives without the “federal government” telling them how and when to do so. This is a lesson the United States might take to heart!

Not surprisingly, the Democrats, champions of big omnipotent government, decry the lack of a strong federal government in Iraq as the reason de jour to cut and run. I would venture to guess, that if the government in Baghdad shows progress, the next reason to cut and run will be the number of potholes on Main Street unfilled.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

When Things Go Right - Where Is The News?

As we come upon this Thanksgiving Season, let us be thankful for all the men and women of the greatest military of the greatest country on earth. These exceptional real Americans are fighting to preserve our way of life from an enemy that has vowed to destroy it. They are fighting a long way from home to allow us to be here, stuffing ourselves with gluttonous abandon then napping the afternoon away under the guise of watching the ‘big game’ on our big screens. They are fighting for our right and ability to have things to be thankful for. And yes, they are also fighting for the right of some (mostly liberal Democrats) to be absolutely miserable, self-loathing human beings wallowing in defeatism and pessimism about America and it’s rightful place as the shining light of freedom and opportunity in an anxious world.

These genuine heroes, by any definition, are defying all the odds and prognostications of our defeatist media and absolutely loathsome leaders in the US Congress. The proof is on the ground in Iraq and in the near complete blackout of positive news from the theater fed to a mind-numbed populace here at home by main-stream-media. Isn’t it amazing that just a few short weeks ago, ink by the barrel was sloshed upon every car-bomb, every US casualty, the almost gleeful daily body count of our soldiers and Marines. Countless hours on the floors of the House of Representatives and Senate spent on 41 (to date) attempts to legislate our defeat. Almost 24/7 arm-chair media punditry demanding an immediate surrender and humiliating defeat.

Now, amazingly, nary a word about Iraq in the news from Democrats. What can account for this sudden silence on the subject? Ralph Peters writing in the New York Post answers this mystery:

Mr. Peters notes that the situation in Iraq has improved so rapidly that Democrats now shun the topic as thoroughly as they shun our troops when the cameras are not present. The positive indicators on the ground are now so strong that the American public no longer believes the rabid anti-war defeatist lies. Democrat Senate Leader Harry Reid’s “This war is lost” no longer rings true.

Attacks of every kind are down by at least half and in some cases more than three-quarters. For those of us with public school math educations, that is a lot! An almost devastated country is struggling back to health. And our mortal enemies, al Qaeda’s terrorists, have suffered a defeat from which they, hopefully, may never recover. They have lost their “street cred.”

Mr. Peters notes that there are five big reasons why this dramatic turnaround has come to pass:

1. We did not quit! Despite the best efforts of the anti-war left and their wholly owned Democrat politicians and media to demoralize and hamstring our efforts, our troops stood to and did their duty bravely. The tenacity of our soldiers and Marines in the face of mortal enemies in Iraq and the blithe traitors at home is the No. 1 reason why Iraq has turned around.

2. General David Petraeus took command: Petreaus brought three vital qualities to our effort: He wants to win, not just keep the lid on the pot; he never stops learning and adapting, and he provides the top-cover for innovative subordinates. In other words, he supports his troops!

3. The surge: While the increase in troop numbers was important, allowing us to consolidate gains in neighborhoods we’d rid of terrorists and insurgents, the psychological effect of the surge was critical. The message sent by the surge to our enemies was that we not only wouldn’t quit, but also were upping the ante. It stunned out enemies – while giving Sunni Arabs disenchanted with al Qaeda the confidence to flip to our side without fear of abandonment. Sorry Mookie….you can’t believe everything you read in the New York Times – we are not losing!

4. Fanatical enemies: We lucked out when al Qaeda declared Iraq the central front in this war against civilization. They alienated their local allies by their monstrous actions and indiscriminate killing of civilians. Al Qaeda in Iraq is now a spent force and has suffered a strategic humiliation.

5. The Iraqis are sick of bloodshed and destruction: This is the least-recognized factor – but it is critical! When tyrannical regimes collapse in artificial states such as Iraq, a lot of pent-up grudges play out violently – sectarian fighting. People seem to need to get suppressed hatreds out of their systems. This appears to be what is happening. Violence is down and the downward trend is continuing. They have had their fill of gunmen and gangsters who claim to be their defenders. Passivity has morphed into active resistance to the terrorists and militias. The blood-lust of hatred has passed; peace is built on sobriety, not passion.

As Thanksgiving approaches, consider this example from Baghdad:

As part of its campaign to eliminate Iraq’s Christian communities, al Qaeda in 2004 bombed St. John’s Christian church in Doura, in the city’s southern badlands. By last spring, local services had stopped completely.

Our Army’s 2nd Battalion of the 12th Infantry stepped up. Under Lt. Col. Stephen Michael, our soldiers methodically cleaned out Doura of terrorists – no easy or painless task – and aided the reconstruction of the church.

Last week, a grateful congregation returned for a service that was, literally, a resurrection. Fifteen local Muslim sheikhs attended the Mass to support their Christian neighbors. Could their be a more hopeful symbol?

The long suffering Iraqi Christians will celebrate Christmas in their neighborhood church this year. “Peace on earth” will mean more to them than mere words in a carol.

As for the heroes of the 2-12 Infantry who made it all possible, their motto is “Ducti Amore Patria” or, for recent public school graduates, “Having been led by love of country.”

On Thanksgiving Day, be thankful for such real Americans!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Caveat Emptor (Let The Buyer Beware) and the rest of the Anti-American Looney-Left proudly proclaimed ownership of the 2006 mid-term elections which put an inept Democrat Party in the majority of the most inept organization in the world: the United States Congress. As a result they have put the national security of the United States at risk, however, I suspect they are now having ‘buyer’s remorse.’

To be fair, there are probably some good Democrats somewhere out there, but they are completely obscured by what can only be laughingly referred to as “Leadership” in the pathetic persons of Nancy Pelosi (D-Speaker of the House) and Harry Reid (D-Senate Majority Leader).

Pelosi flounced into her position, with a whinnying Reid, who looks in need of a dose of prunes, in tow with all the pomp and flourish of pretend royalty. She/He proclaimed the elections as a mandate for ending "George Bush's war" in Iraq and draining the swamp of corruption in Congress. That had to be your first clue of just how incompetent a pair this was going to be.

The election was never a mandate to surrender in the war in Iraq, although it was a sign of frustration on how it was being prosecuted. In spite of polls taken ad-nauseam showing the American people more perceptive on the need to prevail in Iraq than are Democrats, Peolsi-Reid continue to trot out their delusional calls for immediate withdrawal. They have tried, unsuccessfully, 41 times to force our surrender through wasteful and useless legislative shenanigans for one purpose and one purpose only: to appease a rabid mouth-foaming Leftist base that has hijacked a once respectable political party.

As far as ending corruption in Congress? Do the names Jack Murtha (d-PA) and William Jefferson (d-LA). Ring a bell?

In 1980, during his third term as a Congressman, Murtha became embroiled in the Abscam investigation, which targeted dozens of congressmen. The investigation entailed FBI operatives posing as intermediaries for Saudi nationals hoping to bribe their way through the immigration process into the United States. Murtha met with these operatives and was videotaped; ultimately, he was named an "unindicted co-conspirator" but he was never indicted or charged. He did agree to testify against Frank Thompson (D-NJ) and John Murphy (D-NY), the two Congressmen mentioned as participants in the deal at the same meeting and who were later video taped placing the cash bribes in their trousers. (I guess there really is no honor among thieves!)

The FBI videotaped Murtha responding to an offer of $50,000, with Murtha saying, "I'm not interested... at this point. [If] we do business for a while, maybe I'll be interested, maybe I won't", right after Murtha had offered to provide names of businesses and banks in his district where money could be invested legally. The U.S. Attorneys Office reasoned that Murtha's intent was to obtain investment in his district.

Murtha is now the Chairman of the House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee. Talk about putting the fox in the hen-house!

As for Congressman William Jefferson, Democrat: Jefferson was videotaped accepting $100,000 in $100 bills from a Northern Virginia investor who was wearing an FBI wire, according to a search warrant affidavit. A few days later, on Aug. 3, 2005, FBI agents raided Jefferson's home in Northeast Washington and found $90,000 of the cash in the freezer, in $10,000 increments wrapped in aluminum foil and stuffed inside frozen-food containers. The money was said to have been "fresh and still crisp" due to the containers. He is currently the subject of a corruption probe, and in May 2006 his Congressional offices were raided.

Despite his legal woes, in the midterm election on November 7, 2006, Jefferson received 30% of the vote against several opponents, and then proceeded to win in a runoff election against Louisiana State Representative Karen Carter on December 9, 2006.

On June 4, 2007, a federal grand jury indicted Jefferson on 16 charges related to corruption; if convicted, he could spend the rest of his life in prison.

He, of course, is still a member of the Democrat Congress.

The dirty little secret that Move-on.kook / Looney-Left are now realizing is that the politicians they bought and paid for have no intention ending the war. A year after regaining control of the Senate and the House by railing against “George Bush’s war” in Iraq, the Democrats show no sign of changing the war machine. Four of the top five senators who earmarked money in their states for defense contracts were not Republican hawks, but liberal and centrist Democrats – Carl Levin of Michigan, the Hildabeast Clinton reportedly of New York, Charles (Smarmy) Schumer of New York, and Jack Reed of Rhode Island.

The New York Times recently reported that members of the House earmarked an extra $1.8 billion to the military budget for projects the Pentagon did not request. This is despite cutting earmarks by half. The top earmarker at $166 million was the chairman of the Defense Appropriations Committee, John Murtha of Pennsylvania. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California asked for $32 million and majority leader Steny Hoyer of Maryland request $26 million.

The same party that complains about Bush's no-bid contracts for Halliburton in Iraq is willing to maintain this system of funding local companies and programs that also face no competitive bidding.

The Seattle Times detailed last month how Senator Patty Murray and Representatives Norm Dicks and Brian Baird, all Democrats, earmarked $17.65 million to a boat company for a vessel the Navy did not ask for and never used. Murray also earmarked $6 million to a company for battle gear the Army rejected. Representative David Wu, an Oregon Democrat, earmarked $2 million for combat T-shirts that were banned because their polyester was flammable.

Move-On / Looney Left: You were lied to! Enjoy your purchase and shop again in 2008 at Kook-Mart!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Sound of Silence

Since the beginning of our action in Iraq, there has been an unending cacophony of vitriol spewed at President Bush and our efforts to drain the terrorist swamp and free 50 million people. The Looney-Left and their bought-and-paid-for politicians have called the President and our troops everything but human. They have been gleefully pronouncing the defeat of the United States almost before we had boots on the ground. Aided and abetted by a compliant media establishment, this “defeat” has been chronicled ad nauseam. Every incident that could be spun into bad news was used to pummel the Administration and undermine the efforts of our military the front pages of newspapers and lead stories of new-casts. There were no end to this defeatist coverage force-fed to the American public and the world.

How odd it is now, and how deafening the silence when there is actually good news happening on the ground in Iraq. The earth-shaking news (in any other war) that the enemy has been routed and chased from Baghdad got nary a mention in the US media. This story ran in the New York Times around November 8th but was nowhere near the front page, but buried on page A-19! For those who missed it (and how could you not miss it?) here it is:

American forces have routed Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia, the Iraqi militant network, from every neighborhood of Baghdad, a top American general said today, allowing American troops involved in the “surge” to depart as planned.

Maj. Gen. Joseph F. Fil Jr., commander of United States forces in Baghdad, also said that American troops had yet to clear some 13 percent of the city, including Sadr City and several other areas controlled by Shiite militias. But, he said, “there’s just no question” that violence had declined since a spike in June.

“Murder victims are down 80 percent from where they were at the peak,” and attacks involving improvised bombs are down 70 percent, he said.

I have not heard any national politician on the Liberal-Looney-Left-Democrat side even acknowledge this news, much less applaud it. The Democrats have tried to pass legislation 41 times as of today, to ensure defeat of the United States by limiting military funds and attempting to micro-manage a war. They have been and continue to pander to their liberal anti-war base to the enormous detriment to our national security and safety of our troops. This, however, does not seem to bother them as they wont to continue this destructive behavior. They are so completely invested in the defeat of the United States as to be in complete denial of the real possibility that we are within reach of victory in this phase of the War on Terror.

How could anyone want people such as this to be the leader of anything, much less the United States?

Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Difference Between Conservatives and Liberals

This is a conundrum whose unwinding has been attempted by people much smarter than I. However, that will not stop my attempt at the same:

Personal freedom and economic equality; it seems that Conservatives and Liberals want both, however much in differing quantities.

Liberals are enthralled with “communitarianism”; this is a warm-and-fuzzy buzzword among Liberal-Elitists that means ‘community over individualism’. This concept is evident in such literary mole-hills as Hillary Clinton’s “It Takes a Village”, in which she muses that the ‘community’ is better suited to raising children that the individual family. This philosophy has turned our public schools and institutions of higher learning into social laboratories of liberal indoctrination over the last half-century.

Liberals are very keen on individual freedoms when it comes to sexuality and related social matters, but will sacrifice the individual when it comes to economic equality and seem to want the government to ensure both. On the other hand, Conservatives strive for a balance between freedom and social conscience with an emphasis on personal freedom and responsibility.

This dichotomy would seem to be the difference in whether you believe that human actions are primarily dictated by the “system”, or whether the way the system works is due to how the people within the system act. Is society a thing in and of itself, or is it the sum of human interactions? It is, of course, a little of both but most people tend to think of it as primarily one or the other.

Alexis de Tocqueville, a French political thinker and historian of the mid-1800’s, pointed out that equality and liberty (freedom) are two inherently opposite goals. Since men are not all equal in abilities, liberty will allow the better to outstrip the less talented, and give a head start to their offspring, resulting in greater and greater inequality. Therefore, Liberals, being loathe to admit that those who do better are more talented, will increasingly tend to restrict liberty in favor of equality. It is this contradiction that is behind dictatorial “equality,” such as Communism and Socialism. How odd it is that Liberals, as a whole, will espouse support of Darwinism (survival of the fittest) in the development of the species, but shun the same concept when it comes to socio-economic development.

Liberals tend to want heavy doses of both equality and freedom, without much thought to how the two can co-exist while Conservatives try to balance the two, with an emphasis on liberty and personal responsibility over socialist equality. This difference in evidenced by the belief of Liberals in the malleability of human nature. They believe that if they can manipulate society in the right way, they can have both near-absolute freedom (a lack of personal responsibility) and near-absolute equality (economic and social). Whereas Conservatives believe in the relatively fixed state of human nature and are more willing to accept compromise in certain areas, realizing a modicum of freedom must be given up for the good of the community in terms of national defense but do not wish to give up liberty when it comes to such things as economics and child-raising.

So, the battle continues. Gird well; fight bravely; return victorious!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Hillary's "Chinese Take-Out" Problem

The Los Angeles Times reports that Hillary Clinton’s campaign has been raking in money from New York’s Chinatown from poverty stricken dishwashers, waiters and busboys. Their jobs and dilapidated home addresses (the ones that can be verified) seem to make it improbable they could afford the $1,000 and $2,000 contributions finding their way into Clinton’s coffers.

The paper tries to figure out who these people are and how they can afford to write big checks to Hillary – all without much success:

Of 74 residents of New York's Chinatown, Flushing, the Bronx or Brooklyn that The Times called or visited, only 24 could be reached for comment. . . .

The tenement at 44 Henry St. was listed in Clinton's campaign reports as the home of Shu Fang Li, who reportedly gave $1,000.

In a recent visit, a man, apparently drunk, was asleep near the entrance to the neighboring beauty parlor, the Nice Hair Salon.

A tenant living in the apartment listed as Li's address said through a translator that she had not heard of him, although she had lived there for the last 10 years.

A man named Liang Zheng was listed as having contributed $1,000. The address given was a large apartment building on East 194th Street in the Bronx, but no one by that name could be located there.

Census figures for 2000 show the median family income for the area was less than $21,000. About 45% of the population was living below the poverty line, more than double the city average.

In the busy heart of East Broadway, beneath the Manhattan Bridge, is a building that is listed as the home of Sang Cheung Lee, also reported to have given $1,000. Trash was piled in the dimly lighted entrance hall. Neighbors said they knew of no one with Lee's name there; they knocked on one another's doors in a futile effort to find him.

Salespeople at a store on Canal Street were similarly baffled when asked about Shih Kan Chang, listed as working there and having given $1,000. The store sells purses, jewelry and novelty Buddha statues. Employees said they had not heard of Chang.

Another listed donor, Yi Min Liu, said he did not make the $1,000 contribution in April that was reported in his name. He said he attended a banquet for Clinton but did not give her money.

Many of these donors admit they were pressured by so-called Chinese Neighborhood Associations to make these donations or were given money to do so. At least one of these “associations” has had a shadowy past involving organized crime, gambling and human trafficking and exert enormous influence over immigrants.

The Clintons have always been very cozy with the Chinese and others with Far East connections. The result has been bagmen like Charlie Trie and, most recently, Norman Hsu. Hillary had to return almost $ 1 million in “questionable” donations from the Paw family on the West Coast - another set of donors whose contributions did not jive with their incomes.

Folks, this is just another in a long list of examples where Hillary will operate without any moral or legal consideration and acts shocked when she gets caught. This has and continues to stink to high heaven!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

My Presidential Candidate

All the sound and fury over the presidential primaries is enough to overwhelm anyone. I have not yet made up my mind whom I will support (other than anybody but Hillary, a liberal or a democrat). However, I have a platform in mind that I would like someone to adopt. That would be my candidate.

Term Limits – Absolutely! If term limits are good for the presidency, then they are better for Congress-critters. While I am at it, Congress would be in session only 30 days per year, with a salary paid only for those 30 days. They would have to pick up all their travel and health insurance as well as pay Social Security like the rest of us. The rest of the year, they go back home and work in real jobs, live by the laws they pass, and pay the taxes they impose. That should solve most of our problems in the first year!

There should also be an IQ Test with a minimum score somewhere above room temperature in order to be in Congress. That would immediately eliminate 99% of the current crop and we could have a fresh start.

Foreign Policy - Mess with us and you are toast! No pussyfooting around anymore. Do away with the State Department and replace it with the Department of Kick Ass. Call all the parking tickets of UN Diplomats due and payable immediately. That would bankrupt the UN and we could have our real estate in New York back and have it generate revenue. At the very least, charge the UN rent in an amount equal to what they charge us for dues. If that is not acceptable to them, move the UN to Baghdad!

National Health Care – If socializing the health care industry is good, then doing the same to the legal profession is better. Government sponsored legal services for all with attorney fees capped at minimum wage. That should put an end to the idea of socializing ANYTHING!

This would also solve the unskilled labor shortage in America. There is no one more unskilled at anything than an ex-lawyer.

English as the Official Language of the US – If you do not speak English don’t talk to me!

The War On Terror – Git-R-Done! Send every one of those Islamo-Terrorists off to meet their 72 virgins (may they all look like Madeline Albright and cackle like Hillary Clinton)!

Illegal Immigration – Why do we need a “policy” to deal with something that we already have laws for (note the word ‘Illegal’)? Just enforce the laws on the books, strictly; secure or borders (north and south); and end this “invasion” of our country!

Gays in the Military – Who cares as long as they can kill people and break things (the primary job of the military). Also, see the first item under “Foreign Policy.”

Abortion – Against it! With the possible exception of retro-active abortion for select liberals.

Taxes – Against those too! Institute the Fair Tax and eliminate the IRS (another source of unskilled labor).

There! If there is a candidate out there that can adopt this platform, then he has my vote. If not? GMWinslow in 2008!

Monday, October 15, 2007

The Coward’s Way Out

Democrat House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi and her hen-pecked fellow idiots, are frustrated by their inability to muster a veto-proof majority for legislation to set a firm date for a disastrous retreat from Iraq. However, that has not stopped them from undermining, at every opportunity, any chance of success in this front in the War on Terror. Their latest ploy is the most cowardly and the most dangerous!

Incirlik Air Base near Adana, Turkey is the trans-shipment conduit for about 70% of all air cargo (including 33% of the fuel) going to supply our US Troops in Iraq. This also includes about 95% of the new “MRAP” (Mine-Resistant Ambush-Protected) vehicles designed to save the lives of American Troops.

Turkey’s government has indicated that if the US House of Representatives takes action on a non-binding resolution being pushed by Speaker Pelosi and her useless idiots, Turkey might revoke our ability to use Incirlik as a waypoint for supplies headed to our Troops in Iraq.

This non-binding resolution, passed on October 10th by the Democrat controlled House Foreign Affairs Committee, labels the 1915-1923 massacre of Armenians by the Ottoman Empire a genocide. Just in case you did not read this right, a non-binding resolution on something that happened almost 100 years ago, is going to potentially put our Troops in Iraq in mortal danger because of a lack of supplies.

One would have to ask, if one was disposed to rational thought, just what is the overriding urgency and import of such a resolution that it has to be brought up now, in the middle of a war, that has the risk of jeopardizing our relationship with a major ally in that war?

This resolution is gratuitous and the Democrat’s timing is certainly suspicious. It is gratuitous because, in 1981, President Reagan referred to the Armenian massacre as genocide in a proclamation condemning the Nazi Holocaust. If Democrat Pelosi is so concerned about condemning genocide, why aren’t she the Senate Democrat leaders doing something about the ongoing genocide in Darfur or the massacres of protesters in Burma?

The timing of the resolution is suspicious because it could not come at a worse time. Not only are we dependent upon Turkey for our principal supply line into Iraq, we are on the verge of a crisis with Turkey and their desire to attack Kurdish terrorist forces in Iraq that have been raiding into southeastern Turkey for years.

Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Tex.) told Jed Babbin of Human Events, “We are a nation at war, and our first concern must always be the brave men and women of our armed forces, who I believe are done a great disservice by this symbolic House vote. This is just one more example of Democrats in the House being either oblivious or indifferent to the welfare of American forces serving in harm’s way.”

After the House committee vote, Turkish Ambassador to the United States Nabi Sensoy was recalled to Ankara for consultations. In diplomatic terms, the recall of an ambassador is a very serious matter, indicating a near-break in relations between the nations involved.

House Republican leaders are very concerned about the effects the Democrats’ resolution could have. House Minority Leader John Boehner, again to Mr. Babbin, said, “If the Turks cut off our ability to use Incirlik, there’s no question that this could jeopardize our troops on the ground in Iraq. And frankly, if this is just the latest in the Democrats’ string of back-door attempts to force a retreat from the war against al Qaeda, it’s certainly the most dangerous.”

Speaker Pelosi, and her Democrat co-traitors, are apparently so intent on forcing an end to American involvement in Iraq that she is willing to interfere with our tenuous relationship with a war ally, Turkey. When she does, it will be an historic event: the House of Representatives will be responsible for alienating a key ally in a time of war and possibly putting our troops at greater risk; all for the purpose of preventing a success in Iraq prior to the 2008 US elections. Once again, Democrats put our troops at risk for their own political agenda.

Cowardly! Treasonous! Despicable!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Leave No Crook Behind!

Hillary is, once again, showing her true colors if only anyone would pay attention. Her hiring of Sandy (Burglar) Berger, Bill’s former National Security Adviser and admitted thief, as a national-security adviser to her campaign is a sure sign that the old gang will be together again and up to their old shenanigans. In 2003, Berger took several highly classified documents about the Clinton-era Millennium terror plot from the National Archives with “aiding” (hiding them from) the September 11 commission. After being caught on video tape spiriting away, what can only be deduced as incriminating evidence of Clinton errors, top-secret papers stuffed in his pants and socks (and who knows where else) his Clintonista lawyers negotiated a “slap on the wrist” plea agreement. Two years probation, along with a security clearance suspension (not a revocation) and a $50,000 fine where anyone else would be in prison for years and years. $50,000 fine?; A small sum for any number of Chinese fund-raising scam artists employed by the Clinton machine. And guess what? His security clearance ‘suspension’ will be over just in time for him to become National Security Advisor for a President (gag) Hillary with access, once again, to all the little inconvenient top-secret documents that might come to cause distress to the Queen.

In a rational and just world, there is no question that Berger should be finished in Washington national-security circles and any other career that requires trust. The Clintonistas continue to dismiss the Berger thievery as just another crazy caper in the story or a eccentric and sloppy Sandy. It could not have been that, since the theft was planned, deliberate and elaborate.

Berger ferreted the highly classified documents out of the Archives and put them under a construction trailer adjacent to the building. He returned to retrieve them later and then destroyed the documents at his office in his home. This is not a simple case of an overworked, absent-minded, bumbling sloppy good-ole boy as defended by the Clintons.

This was an attempt, and probably successful one, to alter the historical record of the Clinton administration in the lead up to 9-11. A technique that is often employed by the Clintonistas; if the facts are inconvenient, just ignore, alter or destroy them.

Leave No Child Behind? The Clinton version is Leave No Crook Behind!

Monday, October 08, 2007

Queen Hillary – Queen of Federal Pork

Democrat hypocrisy is, once again, on full display. Democrats lied their way into power this year promising a reform of the ‘earmark’ system and make it more transparent to the taxpaying public rightly disgusted with Congress’s free-spending of our money. Let’s call earmarks exactly what they are: Bribes! They are that which Congress-critters, in the form of expensive projects of questionable public worth, use to buy the votes of their home districts so the Congress-critter can stay in Washington and spend more of our money. It is a long disgusting and corrupt practice engaged in by both parties but now elevated to high art by the current crop of thieves. As a result, the Democrat Congress is now even less popular in national polls than the Republican one before it. That is no small feat!

Using the earmark issue to pummel Republics in the 2006 election, Democrats made great theater of passing an ‘earmarks reform’ bill. Now all earmarks are supposed to be publicized in an online record which, most importantly, identifies the name of the member who submitted each request. Not surprisingly, this transparency has had a big effect on the Republican presidential candidates, but not on the Democrats!

Among the presidential candidates, many Republicans currently holding office have responded to media requests to make public all their earmarks. They presumably have done so because they have nothing to hide, but not the Democrats whose candidates have been much less forthright. (feigned shock and surprise).

Only Barack Obama has voluntarily made his earmark information publicly available. The others are covering their tracks. Senator Joe Biden's spokeswoman explained, ``We don't release them until the committee has had the opportunity to review the requests.'' A spokeswoman for the Dennis Kucinich campaign argued, ``We never have made our earmarks public.''

A little digging shows why they are so evasive. In fiscal year 2006, Chris Dodd and fellow Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman were jointly responsible for more than $100 million worth of earmarks for their home state, according to the Chicago Sun-Times.

The Clinton campaign refused to respond at all to requests that she identify her earmarks.

The numbers speak for themselves. Ever since flouncing into Washington, Her Hilliaryness has worked tirelessly to bring pork (bribes) home to her politically adopted state, New York.

Clinton, according to Taxpayers for Common Sense, placed $2.2 billion worth of earmarks in spending bills from 2002-2006. One would have to concede that she is good at it. In the fiscal 2008 defense-spending bill alone, Clinton successfully attached 26 earmarks worth $148 million, which was the most of any Democrat except Senator Carl Levin of Michigan, who is now chairman of the Armed Services Committee.

The earmark game is a treacherous one because it is so easy to find specific instances, like the bridge to nowhere in Alaska, that are repulsive to voters. With such a successful track record, this will be a genuine liability for Clinton. That probably explains why she's trying to bury her record. But even digging through the limited list of earmarks that could be acquire suggested that Clinton has deftly spread federal taxpayers' money around to parochial projects of questionable public value, sending, for example, $250,000 to the Seneca Knitting Mill, and $200,000 to the Buffalo Urban Arts Center.

Such spending projects might be great local politics, but they produce national outrage as our federal dollars are bled away from health care and national security. Each one may seem small, but collectively they are not.

The Democrat Party and their sycophants in Main Stream Media have been so busy preparing for the coronation of Queen Hillary that they have purposely failed to take a critical look at her record on this subject (as well as many others that would have buried a conservative candidate).

Will her hypocrisy be questions in the months ahead? Time will tell.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Phony Politicians

This past week has produced one of the strangest (and frightening) spectacles in the long and sordid history of the US Congress. The Democrat majority in the House of Representatives and the US Senate have the lowest job approval rating in the history of the United States, and for good reason. The latest in a series of ever lower lows manifested itself in the haranguing of a talk radio show host, a private citizen, from the once hallowed floor of the US Senate.

Lead by Senate Majority Leader Democrat Harry Reid of Nevada, forty-one Democrat Senators and a mob of wild-eyed, foaming mouthed anti-war activists tried to silence talk show host Rush Limbaugh because of his reference to “phony” anti-war soldiers. Limbaugh’s comments, taken in context, referred to one Jesse Macbeth, a confessed and convicted phony, who’s faked war crimes confessions, received wide media coverage. Much more coverage than his conviction. He claimed to be an Army Ranger who had served in Iraq, when in truth, he was never an Army Ranger nor had he ever been in Iraq. He washed out of boot camp after only forty days! Senator Reid (of questionable ethics involving land deals in Nevada) purposely took Limbaugh’s comments out of context and tried to apply the “phony soldiers” phrase to all military who criticize the Iraq War. Smearing Mr. Limbaugh as unpatriotic and claiming a long history of disparaging the troops, Reid engaged in one of the most outrageous examples of personal destruction against a private citizen in history. All from the floor of the US Senate! Reid had to know he was lying for the truth was out there, on tape and transcript, for anyone to hear and read. Something the Democrats were obviously not interested in doing.

The use of ‘phony soldiers” to advance the liberal Democrat agenda is a long and disgraceful tradition of the party to slander the service of our troops. For example, Micah Ian Wright, author of the 2003 anti-war best seller “You Back the Attack,” was feted at the USC’s Annenberg School as an Army Ranger and Combat Veteran until he was finally exposed as a complete fake! Many similar examples of “phony soldiers” used by the Left and their Democrat puppets for war crimes confessions are documented in B.G. Burkett’s bestseller “Stolen Valor.” Indeed, the problem was so endemic that Republican Congress in 2005, at the urging of many veterans, passed ‘The Stolen Valor Act” finally criminalizing the activities such as those of Macbeth.

There is no one more injured by “phony” war crimes charges lodged by “phony soldiers” than veterans themselves whose service is dishonored by the slander of these pieces of human debris. We heard this slander from John Kerry in 1971 falsely compare our forces in Viet Nam to “the Army of Jhengiz Khan.” Kerry appeared several times with a man named Al Hubbard in such forums as Meet the Press and before Congress confess to war crimes such as bombing innocent villages. Hubbard was an Air Force pilot, who appeared on national television wearing the Distinguished Flying Cross and many other medals while confessing our guilt in Viet Nam. Except he was none of these things, having left the Air Force as a Sergeant, never serving in Viet Nam at all! Of course, we all know that John Kerry himself had a problem with exaggerating his military credentials.

US Military personnel all over the world thank God for men like Rush Limbaugh steadfastly defending our military from these fakes. Mr. Limbaugh has a twenty year history of supporting our troops by shining the light of truth on the Left and their attempts to destroy the America we love and by raising and donating millions to charities benefiting the families of our fallen Heroes.

It is not the likes of Rush Limbaugh that should be condemned from the floor of the Senate, but the Senate itself and its Democrat leaders. It is a body whose failure to condemn Hubbard’s and Kerry’s 1971 libels is deafening. It is also a place on whose floor active duty soldiers have been compared to the assassins of the Khmer Rough by Senator Dick Durbin (d) of Illinois; people who terrorize women and children in the dark of night by Senator John Kerry (d) of Mass.; and called cold blooded murderers by Representative John Murtha (d). Hypocrisy and cowardice are terms too kind for those who demean our soldiers without regard to the consequences; all to advance their own personal political agenda. This conduct, when coupled with the effort to silence Limbaugh, a steadfast defender of the troops, can be best described with two words” Phony Politicians."

Thursday, September 27, 2007

The War On Success

The socialist left in America, and their wholly owned subsidiary; the Democrat Party, have always been at war on success. For the last half century, progressive tax schemes have been foisted upon the taxpayers of America. Tax policy that is designed for one thing: punish the people that succeed and redistribute their wealth, wealth they and their families have worked for, to those with less drive.

This War On Success even permeates our schools.Political correctness run amok have caused many schools to ban competitive play at recess for elementary children. No more kick ball or dodge ball; anything that would have a “winner” and a “loser.” High school sports in some schools do not keep score. If you have no score, you have no “loser” who might have their fragile feelings hurt! Schools that have no grades in the classroom! “Well, Johnny, if you feel that 2 + 2 = 5 then that is just fine with us!” No grades, no failures. That pretty much takes care of the little annoyance of accountability of teachers. The bad teachers are just as good as the excellent teachers; at least on their pay stubs! Again, excellence is not rewarded. Take away the incentive for excellence and you just dumb down the system.

Now, do not get me wrong. There are many, many excellent teachers out there somewhere in this cesspool called "the system." They are just buried by bureaucracy and hobbled by the insane "political correctness" and dictates of the NEA and other liberal education organizations. My hat is off to you out there fighting the good fight, futile as it may seem.

The past few classes of “graduates” from our very expensive public school systems, in many cases, are an embarrassment, despite the effort of the good teachers. Just about any employer who has had the misfortune to interview a high school “graduate” lately will attest to this. The first year or two of the four year college curriculum is, in effect, remedial reading, writing and arithmetic. Where is the outrage? How are these “kids” supposed to survive in the rough and tumble world of a global economy? Will they just whine, kick and scream and then sue if they do not get the job they are not qualified for? Probably.

This has not been an accident. The liberal left and their party have, for years, worked covertly and overtly, to make more and more of the population more and more dependent upon government for everything from food to housing to jobs (handouts) and now, healthcare. There is no longer much incentive to go out and work hard, take risks and succeed. Where is the reward if you can just sit back and whine and demand that someone that has more than you be forced to give it to you?

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Abject – Squalid – Shameless

Columbia University’s bizarre decision to offer a platform to Ahmadinejad, the Iranian head of a violent terrorist state, was “abject, squalid, and shameless.” This is how Winston Churchill described the resolution passed by Oxford University’s prestigious Debating Union in 1933 – the year Adolf Hitler came to power – that “this House will under no circumstances fight for King and Country.”

The Columbia mis-adventure, like the 1933 Oxford resolution, sent (quoting Churchill again) a “very disquieting and disgusting message” to friends and foe alike.

Unfortunately, many Americans do not understand that message. Their blindness goes to the heart of the Left v/s Right divide in our country; much like the one 1930s Britain that split men like Churchill from the appeasers of Europe’s dictators.

On one side of the divide, there is outrage and incomprehension that anyone could extend an invitation to a sworn enemy of the United States to speak on an American campus (a campus, by the way, that bans its own military ROTC!); the head of the world’s biggest terrorism sponsor in a city that was 9-11’s principal target; a Holocaust-denier welcomed at a university that has so many Jewish students and alumni. (One would only hope this is remembered when it is time to write that donation or tuition check!)

On the other side, there is bewilderment that anyone could possibly be offended. Therein lies the problem!

The Loony-Left in this country concluded long ago that this is not a war between Islamic extremist fascism and Western civilization, but a fight between Islamic “militants” and President Bush, with the Left favoring the “militants.” The attack of 9-11 never changed the Loonies’ view that the real menace to world peace is the Bush Administration; what former Senator J. William Fulbright called “the arrogance of American power” – much as the British leftists in the early ‘30s assumed that the real cause of war wasn’t men like Hitler and Mussolini, but capitalism and arms merchants.

Sadly, too many men and women at Columbia (and on other US campuses) see the War on Terror as something that they are free to judge and criticize as if it doesn’t involve them at all.

Adolf Hitler got the clear message of the 1933 Oxford Union debate: We will not oppose you. Ahmadinejad is bound to use his speech at Columbia to a hall of “open-minded” Americans as a major public-relations victory. How tragic that the Looney-left and the loonier media should hand him such a coup!

As Churchill said, “There is no place for compromise in war. That invaluable process only means that soldiers are shot because their leaders in council and camp are unable to resolve.”

He added, “In war the clouds never blow over; they gather unceasingly and fall in thunderbolts.” It was the falling thunderbolts of Nazi bombs that finally convinced the appeasers of the ‘30s that they had been wrong. New York City has already gone through its Blitz. What more will it take here, today?

Monday, September 24, 2007

The Truth Behind HillaryCare

When Hillary Clinton last took a stab at ‘repairing’ America's health-care system, an overwhelming majority of Americans rejected her grand vision of an enormous government-run health-care bureaucracy and they will again, I feel.

Hillary Clinton and health care do not mix.

The crux of Hillary's plan is an ``individual mandate,'' which requires that all Americans buy health insurance whether they want to or not. So much for freedom of choice!

To accomplish this, the plan will create a government- regulated national pool through which individuals can purchase insurance. Those who are already insured would get to choose whether to keep their current health coverage or purchase the new national plan.

Additionally, Clinton would force big businesses that don't offer health insurance to pay a punitive tax.

In order to sell to the national pool, the government would demand that insurers cover all applicants (``guaranteed issue'') and that premium levels would have to be indiscriminate, regardless of people's health status when they apply (``community rating.'')

She estimates that her plan would cost $110 billion per year – which, if history is any guide, is woefully underestimated.

To pay for it, Clinton hopes to exploit the significant savings from improved health-care technology, particularly from electronic medical records (which is the only good idea of the whole plan). She would also use some of the revenue from the repeal of President George W. Bush's tax cuts. In other words, raising taxes on all who actually pay taxes. Additionally, she advocated a cap on the tax deductibility of health insurance for wealthy Americans with expensive insurance coverage in effect punishing the “evil rich” for being able to afford the coverage they want.

In other words, Hillary is telling every American that they must purchase a health-insurance product the government likes. This is inconsequential if you already have a plan the government will like, but a serious problem if government makes you purchase something you don't want.

Here is the problem: individuals with costly health problems will want to gravitate toward generous and costly plans. Healthy individuals, especially the young, will want to avoid getting stuck with big insurance bills, either by purchasing the narrowest coverage possible, or by avoiding the purchase altogether. This, in the insurance industry, is called “adverse selection.” The result will be the “sick” will utilize the system at a much higher rate than the healthy, driving up the cost of medical service for all. Then HillaryCare will have to stick taxpayers in general with the soaring costs of the plans that attract the sick.

The hand of government will have to be heavy indeed. The most likely outcome is that federal law will require proof of insurance of every individual, even those without a job. Penalties for those without insurance would likely be monetary, and steep enough to force many individuals to purchase insurance products they otherwise would avoid.

It would probably take a little while for Hillary's plan to make a complete mash out of the current health-care universe. When it does, you can bet that the ``fix'' will be the implementation of socialized medicine, which has failed everywhere it has been tried.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Condemed! (And About Time!)

The Senate voted Thursday to condemn an advertisement by the liberal anti-war group that accused the top military commander in Iraq of betrayal.

The 72-25 vote condemned the full-page ad that appeared in The New York Times last week as Gen. David Petraeus, the top military commander in Iraq, testified on Capitol Hill. The ad was headlined: "General Petraeus or General Betray Us? Cooking the books for the White House."

The resolution condemning the ad was sponsored by conservative Republican John Cornyn of Texas. Voting against it were Democratic presidential hopefuls Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York and Christopher Dodd of Connecticut. This will be a huge problem for Clinton from now on. was created as a Clinton Machine front organization during the Clinton impeachment proceedings. Hillary is a captive of her own creation. She cannot distance herself from them because she is ‘them’. The beast has taken on a life of its own and is no longer controllable by its master; A sure recipe for disaster.

Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois, another contender for the Democratic nomination, did not vote, although he voted minutes earlier for an alternative resolution by Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif. That resolution condemned the MoveOn ad as an "unwarranted personal attack." Sounds like Osama-Obama (as Sen. Ted Kennedy (d) in his usual drunken stupor called him) may actually have voted for the intent of the resolution before not voting for it. The old Kerry shuffle!

Good for the Senate! However, you will be hearing the Liberal Losers whining about the Senate spending time debating a newspaper ad, but the issue is much deeper than that. The issue here goes to the core of our being as a nation. Do we support the men and women who serve and protect no matter what we think about their mission, or do we throw them under the bus as happened during the Viet Nam era? The leaders of the Liberal Left are just a bunch of old hippies who got their anti-war credentials wallowing in the mud of the seventies while ‘not-inhaling.’

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Hillary's Medicinal Tea

Liberals are sipping Hillary Tea (for medicinal purposes only, I assume). It seems like deja vu all over again, it’s 1994 and we have a Hillary Clinton health care plan to cover all Americans and O J in jail. It is too early to criticize Hillary’s health care plan in detail because as usual the details are still missing. What I can say that should scare everyone is that Hillary says it will not be a government run system but in the next sentence said it will cost the American Taxpayers 110 billion dollars per year, and we all know how accurate cost projections by politicians are. Take for example; Medicare Part A was passed in 1965 and projected to cost 9 billion by 1990 but the actual cost in 1990 was 67 billion and in 1987 when the Medicaid subsidy was passed it was projected to cost 100 million per year but actual costs were 11 billion per year. Hillary Care is projected to cost starting at 110 billion per year, based on history just imagine the real cost. What I feel this would lead to is medical rationing, a shortage of doctors and a shortage of the modern medicine we have become accustomed to. Also you can bet you will not be able to see the doctor or specialist you need to see in a timely manor.

The number of 47,000,000 uninsured is tossed about with abandon. How many of those are temporarily uninsured due to the waiting period on a new employer's health plan? Does this number include the 12 - 20 million ILLEGAL aliens? As usual, no answers from the Tea Sippers. Just big fuzzy numbers spouted out for maximum political impact but nothing to back them up. Just like the myth that people do not have access to health care. Federal law mandates any hospital anywhere treat anybody anytime regardless of health coverage status. The Universal Health Care ploy is just another attempt to extend the reach of government control into your everyday life and make you even more dependent on Uncle Sugar for everything. The liberals want to make you like a ‘person of ill-repute’ (to be politically correct about it!) Get you hooked on goodies, make you go out and do your thing and then turn everything you make over to the gov't pimp.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Oops! Got Caught! My Bad!

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential campaign said it will return $850,000 in donations raised by Democratic fundraiser Norman Hsu, who is under federal investigation for allegedly violating election laws.

Clinton, D-N.Y., previously had planned only to give to charity $23,000 she received from Hsu for her presidential and senatorial campaigns and to her political action committee, HillPac.

Really? Will they show proof that this money has been returned and to whom? What charity? One of Bill’s? So many questions and so few answers!

The FBI is investigating whether Hsu paid so-called straw donors to send campaign contributions to Clinton and other candidates, a law enforcement official said Monday.

"In light of recent events and allegations that Mr. Norman Hsu engaged in an illegal investment scheme, we have decided out of an abundance of caution to return the money he raised for our campaign," Clinton spokesman Howard Wolfson said in a statement Monday night. "An estimated 260 donors this week will receive refunds totaling approximately $850,000 from the campaign." This only after she got caught with her hand in the cookie jar, again.

The Clintons and the Chinese have always been a little too cozy. Bubba-Bill had a regular “Orient Express” to the White House during his 'adventure' at 1600 Penn. Ave. Any body remember Charlie Trie? Hmmmm? Sounds like Hill is planning the same thing. But Hill is not worried. She knows that the Main-Stream Media will never derail her honey train.

Have You No Decency?

"Let us not assassinate this lad further, senator. You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?" The words of Army lawyer Joseph Welch to Senator Joseph McCarthy in the spring of 1954 in defense of a young Army lawyer whose career McCarty was destroying in his anti-communist crusade against the Army.

These words should be used to counter the character assassination of another member of our Armed Forces this week. General David Petreaus, a highly decorated four-star US Army General is being rhetorically assassinated by the Ugly Left and their Democrat hand-maidens.

Democrat House of Reprobates Tom Lantos (CA), in his opening remarks in the congressionally mandated hearings, basically called General Petreaus a liar for daring to appear before his committee. All because it was likely that the report from Iraq might just have a bit of positive news in it, which it does. The same for House Matron Nancy Pelosi (d) and Senator Harry (Have I Got A Land Deal For You!) Reid (d).

None of this even comes close to the filth contained in the ad by, which the New York Times gladly ran (which I am sure they did not do for free, further prostituting themselves). The ad, bastardized the name “General Petreaus” into “General Betray Us.” In doing so, implied, not so subtly, that General Petreaus, a 35-year veteran serving his country with honor and distinction while proving himself as one of the Army’s greatest generals, betrayed his country! The word “betray” was not chosen lightly. In the military culture, this word carries the same impact as treason. The one word that is sure to inflict the maximum amount of hurt to the person at whom it is aimed.

It is disgusting and despicable but not surprising coming from what is now the Democrat Party. This once great party, now a wholly owned subsidiary of the Ugly Left, is totally invested in the defeat of the United States in Iraq. There is no saving them politically if the US should actually win this segment of the War on Terror. They have long ago gone over the brink and there is no bringing them back. What remains to be seen now is if reasonable people (voters) who have historically called themselves Democrats are willing to follow, lemming-like, this herd of rabid mouth-foaming radical hard-left creatures over the cliff of reason. November 2008 will tell.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Simply Disgraceful !

What is happening in ‘main-stream media’ here of late? There is actually some “positive” news from Iraq being reported, albeit reluctantly. The New York Times has started cautioning against any immediate departure from Iraq after running reports that the “Surge” might actually be working. Europe’s biggest and Germany’s most influential and rabid anti-American magazine, Der Spiegel, wrote this week: “The wind has shifted in Washington. America, not just this president, is at war.” “Many Americans now despise Bush (because of Iraq). Nevertheless, Americans are still loath to admit defeat.”

With moist fickle finger constantly in the winds, Democrats are beginning to realize, as General George Patton said, “Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser.” Throughout this past winter, spring and early summer, Democrats have been braying as loudly as they can to get out of Iraq as fast as they could slither. Sen. Harry Reid said the war is lost. Gov. Bill Richardson said that on his first day in the Oval Office, he would order our troops to leave Iraq immediately even to the point of abandoning their weapons and equipment. Mrs. Bill Clinton crowed that if Bush doesn’t end the war, she would immediately after her royal coronation. (Heaven help us!)

Realizing their stupendous misread of the American public, Democrats are now trying to, with the help of a complicit media, erase the historic record of their cowardly loss of nerve this spring. Barack Hussein Obama, in his best Rambo act, has said that President Obama would invade Pakistan to show how tough he in prosecuting the "War on Terror"; while Mrs. Bill Clinton would consider nuking terrorists. The Democrat reformation has begun.

The American public must not forget these cowardly, defeatist statements by the Democrats and are to be repeatedly reminded of what these “losers” were saying the past few months. As Tony Blankley has written, “The leadership of the Democratic Party has, by their public words this spring, disgraced themselves for a generation. Republicans have the right -- and the duty -- to engrave in the public mind the springtime Democratic perfidy and cowardice in the face of the enemy.” Herein lie the seeds for the well deserved landslide defeat of the Democrat Party next November.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Propaganda Redux

In today’s, (Tuesday, August 7th) Wall Street Journal in an article entitled “Propaganda Redux”, some chilling revelations were made by a former KGB General that is relevant to our current sad state of political discourse.

Lt. General Ion Mihai Pacepa is the highest-ranking intelligence officer ever to have defected from the Soviet bloc. He reveals that sowing the seeds of anti-Americanism by discrediting the American president was one of the main tasks of the Soviet-bloc intelligence community during the years he worked as the head of Romania’s intelligence station in West Germany. The Soviets understood that international respect for America is directly proportional to America’s own respect for its president. The communist effort to generate hatred for the American president began soon after President Truman set up NATO and continued until the fall of the Soviet Union on the watch of President Regan.

Lt. Gen. Pacepa stated, “During the Vietnam War we spread vitriolic stories around the world, pretending that America's presidents sent Genghis Khan-style barbarian soldiers to Vietnam who raped at random, taped electrical wires to human genitals, cut off limbs, blew up bodies and razed entire villages. Those weren't facts. They were our tales, but some seven million Americans ended up being convinced their own president, not communism, was the enemy.” Sound familiar, John Kerry?

Today’s Bush-hating liberal far left has taken a page right out of the communist playbook and the Democrat presidential pretenders and many Democrats in Congress are singing in perfect harmony. They are abetting America’s enemies with their intemperate attacks on President Bush.

We may not be able to change this shameful behavior of some of our current political representatives, but we are certainly able, through the power of the ballot, to introduce healthy new blood into the U.S. Congress. Let’s vote next year for people who believe in America’s future, not for the ones that loath America and everything that has made her great.


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Monday, August 06, 2007

Backed In A Corner

Congressional Democrats have allowed themselves to be backed into a very uncomfortable corner. The ‘Nutroot’ anti-war base, to which the Democrat party has become beholding, has been furious that Democrats in Congress haven’t pulled the plug on the war already. Egged on by this base, Democrats have staked out a position on the war in Iraq that will be their undoing. That position is ‘Defeat At All Cost.’ A position of political self-preservation that is likely to become political self-immolation!

Being so far out on the defeatist limb; there is no way back for them except an American defeat and retreat from Iraq. This is evidenced by such statements as “this war is lost..” by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Democrat; and by Representative Nancy Boda, Democrat of Kansas storming out of a hearing in a snit as retired General Jack Keene had the gall to report progress in Iraq. Then there is House Minority Whip James Clyburn, Democrat saying that the prospect of an even partially positive report from General David Petreaus, the US commander in Iraq, this fall would be “a real big problem for us.”

I do not want to believe that Congressional Democrats, for most part, really do hate America as their ‘Nutroot’ masters appear to do. However, perception is reality in Washington.

Democrats have made a huge political blunder. Historically challenged as they are wont to be, they have forgotten that Americans hate losers. This country was not built by losers, but it can be destroyed by them.