Monday, August 06, 2007

Backed In A Corner

Congressional Democrats have allowed themselves to be backed into a very uncomfortable corner. The ‘Nutroot’ anti-war base, to which the Democrat party has become beholding, has been furious that Democrats in Congress haven’t pulled the plug on the war already. Egged on by this base, Democrats have staked out a position on the war in Iraq that will be their undoing. That position is ‘Defeat At All Cost.’ A position of political self-preservation that is likely to become political self-immolation!

Being so far out on the defeatist limb; there is no way back for them except an American defeat and retreat from Iraq. This is evidenced by such statements as “this war is lost..” by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Democrat; and by Representative Nancy Boda, Democrat of Kansas storming out of a hearing in a snit as retired General Jack Keene had the gall to report progress in Iraq. Then there is House Minority Whip James Clyburn, Democrat saying that the prospect of an even partially positive report from General David Petreaus, the US commander in Iraq, this fall would be “a real big problem for us.”

I do not want to believe that Congressional Democrats, for most part, really do hate America as their ‘Nutroot’ masters appear to do. However, perception is reality in Washington.

Democrats have made a huge political blunder. Historically challenged as they are wont to be, they have forgotten that Americans hate losers. This country was not built by losers, but it can be destroyed by them.