Wednesday, October 17, 2007

My Presidential Candidate

All the sound and fury over the presidential primaries is enough to overwhelm anyone. I have not yet made up my mind whom I will support (other than anybody but Hillary, a liberal or a democrat). However, I have a platform in mind that I would like someone to adopt. That would be my candidate.

Term Limits – Absolutely! If term limits are good for the presidency, then they are better for Congress-critters. While I am at it, Congress would be in session only 30 days per year, with a salary paid only for those 30 days. They would have to pick up all their travel and health insurance as well as pay Social Security like the rest of us. The rest of the year, they go back home and work in real jobs, live by the laws they pass, and pay the taxes they impose. That should solve most of our problems in the first year!

There should also be an IQ Test with a minimum score somewhere above room temperature in order to be in Congress. That would immediately eliminate 99% of the current crop and we could have a fresh start.

Foreign Policy - Mess with us and you are toast! No pussyfooting around anymore. Do away with the State Department and replace it with the Department of Kick Ass. Call all the parking tickets of UN Diplomats due and payable immediately. That would bankrupt the UN and we could have our real estate in New York back and have it generate revenue. At the very least, charge the UN rent in an amount equal to what they charge us for dues. If that is not acceptable to them, move the UN to Baghdad!

National Health Care – If socializing the health care industry is good, then doing the same to the legal profession is better. Government sponsored legal services for all with attorney fees capped at minimum wage. That should put an end to the idea of socializing ANYTHING!

This would also solve the unskilled labor shortage in America. There is no one more unskilled at anything than an ex-lawyer.

English as the Official Language of the US – If you do not speak English don’t talk to me!

The War On Terror – Git-R-Done! Send every one of those Islamo-Terrorists off to meet their 72 virgins (may they all look like Madeline Albright and cackle like Hillary Clinton)!

Illegal Immigration – Why do we need a “policy” to deal with something that we already have laws for (note the word ‘Illegal’)? Just enforce the laws on the books, strictly; secure or borders (north and south); and end this “invasion” of our country!

Gays in the Military – Who cares as long as they can kill people and break things (the primary job of the military). Also, see the first item under “Foreign Policy.”

Abortion – Against it! With the possible exception of retro-active abortion for select liberals.

Taxes – Against those too! Institute the Fair Tax and eliminate the IRS (another source of unskilled labor).

There! If there is a candidate out there that can adopt this platform, then he has my vote. If not? GMWinslow in 2008!