Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Simply Disgraceful !

What is happening in ‘main-stream media’ here of late? There is actually some “positive” news from Iraq being reported, albeit reluctantly. The New York Times has started cautioning against any immediate departure from Iraq after running reports that the “Surge” might actually be working. Europe’s biggest and Germany’s most influential and rabid anti-American magazine, Der Spiegel, wrote this week: “The wind has shifted in Washington. America, not just this president, is at war.” “Many Americans now despise Bush (because of Iraq). Nevertheless, Americans are still loath to admit defeat.”

With moist fickle finger constantly in the winds, Democrats are beginning to realize, as General George Patton said, “Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser.” Throughout this past winter, spring and early summer, Democrats have been braying as loudly as they can to get out of Iraq as fast as they could slither. Sen. Harry Reid said the war is lost. Gov. Bill Richardson said that on his first day in the Oval Office, he would order our troops to leave Iraq immediately even to the point of abandoning their weapons and equipment. Mrs. Bill Clinton crowed that if Bush doesn’t end the war, she would immediately after her royal coronation. (Heaven help us!)

Realizing their stupendous misread of the American public, Democrats are now trying to, with the help of a complicit media, erase the historic record of their cowardly loss of nerve this spring. Barack Hussein Obama, in his best Rambo act, has said that President Obama would invade Pakistan to show how tough he in prosecuting the "War on Terror"; while Mrs. Bill Clinton would consider nuking terrorists. The Democrat reformation has begun.

The American public must not forget these cowardly, defeatist statements by the Democrats and are to be repeatedly reminded of what these “losers” were saying the past few months. As Tony Blankley has written, “The leadership of the Democratic Party has, by their public words this spring, disgraced themselves for a generation. Republicans have the right -- and the duty -- to engrave in the public mind the springtime Democratic perfidy and cowardice in the face of the enemy.” Herein lie the seeds for the well deserved landslide defeat of the Democrat Party next November.