Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Have You No Decency?

"Let us not assassinate this lad further, senator. You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?" The words of Army lawyer Joseph Welch to Senator Joseph McCarthy in the spring of 1954 in defense of a young Army lawyer whose career McCarty was destroying in his anti-communist crusade against the Army.

These words should be used to counter the character assassination of another member of our Armed Forces this week. General David Petreaus, a highly decorated four-star US Army General is being rhetorically assassinated by the Ugly Left and their Democrat hand-maidens.

Democrat House of Reprobates Tom Lantos (CA), in his opening remarks in the congressionally mandated hearings, basically called General Petreaus a liar for daring to appear before his committee. All because it was likely that the report from Iraq might just have a bit of positive news in it, which it does. The same for House Matron Nancy Pelosi (d) and Senator Harry (Have I Got A Land Deal For You!) Reid (d).

None of this even comes close to the filth contained in the ad by Moveon.org, which the New York Times gladly ran (which I am sure they did not do for free, further prostituting themselves). The ad, bastardized the name “General Petreaus” into “General Betray Us.” In doing so, implied, not so subtly, that General Petreaus, a 35-year veteran serving his country with honor and distinction while proving himself as one of the Army’s greatest generals, betrayed his country! The word “betray” was not chosen lightly. In the military culture, this word carries the same impact as treason. The one word that is sure to inflict the maximum amount of hurt to the person at whom it is aimed.

It is disgusting and despicable but not surprising coming from what is now the Democrat Party. This once great party, now a wholly owned subsidiary of the Ugly Left, is totally invested in the defeat of the United States in Iraq. There is no saving them politically if the US should actually win this segment of the War on Terror. They have long ago gone over the brink and there is no bringing them back. What remains to be seen now is if reasonable people (voters) who have historically called themselves Democrats are willing to follow, lemming-like, this herd of rabid mouth-foaming radical hard-left creatures over the cliff of reason. November 2008 will tell.