Thursday, September 20, 2007

Hillary's Medicinal Tea

Liberals are sipping Hillary Tea (for medicinal purposes only, I assume). It seems like deja vu all over again, it’s 1994 and we have a Hillary Clinton health care plan to cover all Americans and O J in jail. It is too early to criticize Hillary’s health care plan in detail because as usual the details are still missing. What I can say that should scare everyone is that Hillary says it will not be a government run system but in the next sentence said it will cost the American Taxpayers 110 billion dollars per year, and we all know how accurate cost projections by politicians are. Take for example; Medicare Part A was passed in 1965 and projected to cost 9 billion by 1990 but the actual cost in 1990 was 67 billion and in 1987 when the Medicaid subsidy was passed it was projected to cost 100 million per year but actual costs were 11 billion per year. Hillary Care is projected to cost starting at 110 billion per year, based on history just imagine the real cost. What I feel this would lead to is medical rationing, a shortage of doctors and a shortage of the modern medicine we have become accustomed to. Also you can bet you will not be able to see the doctor or specialist you need to see in a timely manor.

The number of 47,000,000 uninsured is tossed about with abandon. How many of those are temporarily uninsured due to the waiting period on a new employer's health plan? Does this number include the 12 - 20 million ILLEGAL aliens? As usual, no answers from the Tea Sippers. Just big fuzzy numbers spouted out for maximum political impact but nothing to back them up. Just like the myth that people do not have access to health care. Federal law mandates any hospital anywhere treat anybody anytime regardless of health coverage status. The Universal Health Care ploy is just another attempt to extend the reach of government control into your everyday life and make you even more dependent on Uncle Sugar for everything. The liberals want to make you like a ‘person of ill-repute’ (to be politically correct about it!) Get you hooked on goodies, make you go out and do your thing and then turn everything you make over to the gov't pimp.