Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Leave No Crook Behind!

Hillary is, once again, showing her true colors if only anyone would pay attention. Her hiring of Sandy (Burglar) Berger, Bill’s former National Security Adviser and admitted thief, as a national-security adviser to her campaign is a sure sign that the old gang will be together again and up to their old shenanigans. In 2003, Berger took several highly classified documents about the Clinton-era Millennium terror plot from the National Archives with “aiding” (hiding them from) the September 11 commission. After being caught on video tape spiriting away, what can only be deduced as incriminating evidence of Clinton errors, top-secret papers stuffed in his pants and socks (and who knows where else) his Clintonista lawyers negotiated a “slap on the wrist” plea agreement. Two years probation, along with a security clearance suspension (not a revocation) and a $50,000 fine where anyone else would be in prison for years and years. $50,000 fine?; A small sum for any number of Chinese fund-raising scam artists employed by the Clinton machine. And guess what? His security clearance ‘suspension’ will be over just in time for him to become National Security Advisor for a President (gag) Hillary with access, once again, to all the little inconvenient top-secret documents that might come to cause distress to the Queen.

In a rational and just world, there is no question that Berger should be finished in Washington national-security circles and any other career that requires trust. The Clintonistas continue to dismiss the Berger thievery as just another crazy caper in the story or a eccentric and sloppy Sandy. It could not have been that, since the theft was planned, deliberate and elaborate.

Berger ferreted the highly classified documents out of the Archives and put them under a construction trailer adjacent to the building. He returned to retrieve them later and then destroyed the documents at his office in his home. This is not a simple case of an overworked, absent-minded, bumbling sloppy good-ole boy as defended by the Clintons.

This was an attempt, and probably successful one, to alter the historical record of the Clinton administration in the lead up to 9-11. A technique that is often employed by the Clintonistas; if the facts are inconvenient, just ignore, alter or destroy them.

Leave No Child Behind? The Clinton version is Leave No Crook Behind!