Monday, October 15, 2007

The Coward’s Way Out

Democrat House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi and her hen-pecked fellow idiots, are frustrated by their inability to muster a veto-proof majority for legislation to set a firm date for a disastrous retreat from Iraq. However, that has not stopped them from undermining, at every opportunity, any chance of success in this front in the War on Terror. Their latest ploy is the most cowardly and the most dangerous!

Incirlik Air Base near Adana, Turkey is the trans-shipment conduit for about 70% of all air cargo (including 33% of the fuel) going to supply our US Troops in Iraq. This also includes about 95% of the new “MRAP” (Mine-Resistant Ambush-Protected) vehicles designed to save the lives of American Troops.

Turkey’s government has indicated that if the US House of Representatives takes action on a non-binding resolution being pushed by Speaker Pelosi and her useless idiots, Turkey might revoke our ability to use Incirlik as a waypoint for supplies headed to our Troops in Iraq.

This non-binding resolution, passed on October 10th by the Democrat controlled House Foreign Affairs Committee, labels the 1915-1923 massacre of Armenians by the Ottoman Empire a genocide. Just in case you did not read this right, a non-binding resolution on something that happened almost 100 years ago, is going to potentially put our Troops in Iraq in mortal danger because of a lack of supplies.

One would have to ask, if one was disposed to rational thought, just what is the overriding urgency and import of such a resolution that it has to be brought up now, in the middle of a war, that has the risk of jeopardizing our relationship with a major ally in that war?

This resolution is gratuitous and the Democrat’s timing is certainly suspicious. It is gratuitous because, in 1981, President Reagan referred to the Armenian massacre as genocide in a proclamation condemning the Nazi Holocaust. If Democrat Pelosi is so concerned about condemning genocide, why aren’t she the Senate Democrat leaders doing something about the ongoing genocide in Darfur or the massacres of protesters in Burma?

The timing of the resolution is suspicious because it could not come at a worse time. Not only are we dependent upon Turkey for our principal supply line into Iraq, we are on the verge of a crisis with Turkey and their desire to attack Kurdish terrorist forces in Iraq that have been raiding into southeastern Turkey for years.

Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Tex.) told Jed Babbin of Human Events, “We are a nation at war, and our first concern must always be the brave men and women of our armed forces, who I believe are done a great disservice by this symbolic House vote. This is just one more example of Democrats in the House being either oblivious or indifferent to the welfare of American forces serving in harm’s way.”

After the House committee vote, Turkish Ambassador to the United States Nabi Sensoy was recalled to Ankara for consultations. In diplomatic terms, the recall of an ambassador is a very serious matter, indicating a near-break in relations between the nations involved.

House Republican leaders are very concerned about the effects the Democrats’ resolution could have. House Minority Leader John Boehner, again to Mr. Babbin, said, “If the Turks cut off our ability to use Incirlik, there’s no question that this could jeopardize our troops on the ground in Iraq. And frankly, if this is just the latest in the Democrats’ string of back-door attempts to force a retreat from the war against al Qaeda, it’s certainly the most dangerous.”

Speaker Pelosi, and her Democrat co-traitors, are apparently so intent on forcing an end to American involvement in Iraq that she is willing to interfere with our tenuous relationship with a war ally, Turkey. When she does, it will be an historic event: the House of Representatives will be responsible for alienating a key ally in a time of war and possibly putting our troops at greater risk; all for the purpose of preventing a success in Iraq prior to the 2008 US elections. Once again, Democrats put our troops at risk for their own political agenda.

Cowardly! Treasonous! Despicable!