Thursday, September 27, 2007

The War On Success

The socialist left in America, and their wholly owned subsidiary; the Democrat Party, have always been at war on success. For the last half century, progressive tax schemes have been foisted upon the taxpayers of America. Tax policy that is designed for one thing: punish the people that succeed and redistribute their wealth, wealth they and their families have worked for, to those with less drive.

This War On Success even permeates our schools.Political correctness run amok have caused many schools to ban competitive play at recess for elementary children. No more kick ball or dodge ball; anything that would have a “winner” and a “loser.” High school sports in some schools do not keep score. If you have no score, you have no “loser” who might have their fragile feelings hurt! Schools that have no grades in the classroom! “Well, Johnny, if you feel that 2 + 2 = 5 then that is just fine with us!” No grades, no failures. That pretty much takes care of the little annoyance of accountability of teachers. The bad teachers are just as good as the excellent teachers; at least on their pay stubs! Again, excellence is not rewarded. Take away the incentive for excellence and you just dumb down the system.

Now, do not get me wrong. There are many, many excellent teachers out there somewhere in this cesspool called "the system." They are just buried by bureaucracy and hobbled by the insane "political correctness" and dictates of the NEA and other liberal education organizations. My hat is off to you out there fighting the good fight, futile as it may seem.

The past few classes of “graduates” from our very expensive public school systems, in many cases, are an embarrassment, despite the effort of the good teachers. Just about any employer who has had the misfortune to interview a high school “graduate” lately will attest to this. The first year or two of the four year college curriculum is, in effect, remedial reading, writing and arithmetic. Where is the outrage? How are these “kids” supposed to survive in the rough and tumble world of a global economy? Will they just whine, kick and scream and then sue if they do not get the job they are not qualified for? Probably.

This has not been an accident. The liberal left and their party have, for years, worked covertly and overtly, to make more and more of the population more and more dependent upon government for everything from food to housing to jobs (handouts) and now, healthcare. There is no longer much incentive to go out and work hard, take risks and succeed. Where is the reward if you can just sit back and whine and demand that someone that has more than you be forced to give it to you?