Saturday, December 30, 2006

John Edwards - "Man of the Poor"

He’s Back! John Edwards – Man of the Poor- or so the multi-millionaire trail lawyer calls himself. As the latest preening peacock to wade into the Democrat presidential birdbath (getting a little crowded in there Hillary?), John Edwards has staked out the ‘poor’ as his turf. His vaporous plan to end poverty is to “grow the middle class”. However, he does not realize that you cannot grow the middle class without growing middle class values. Values such as growing up, getting a job, getting married to someone of the opposite sex, settling down and then having kids when you are emotionally and financially ready. His cure for the epidemic rise in out of wedlock births is admonishing young women “to not have kids until they’re ready”. Since the Liberal Democrat party is loath to speak the M-Word (marriage) without the prefix of “gay” attached, their definition of “ready” is fatally flawed.

Absent the “values” component in ‘growing the middle class’, the fall back is the tried and true and failed policy of buying the poor into the middle class. If this would work, the $585 billion (big money even to congress-critters) of your money that the Federal and state governments spend per year on the “poor” would have done it by now!

Folks, the only way to go from “poor” to “middle class” and on to “evil rich” is to work hard, take responsibility and do it yourself.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


“If I knew then what I know now . . .” the latest words from President Elect (according to Big Media) Hillary Rodham-Clinton back tracking on her vote for military action in Iraq. How many times have we ordinary folk thought or said something to that effect? Alas, therein lies the problem. A President is not supposed to be ‘ordinary folk’. Unless you are a pretty, blonde, tearful Miss USA, you do not get a “do-over” in life. A President of the United States does not get a “do-over”. Throughout our history, Presidents have made hard, gut wrenching decisions and have had the grit to do so. They must have the character and strength to accept the consequences of those decisions, good and bad, just as any good parent teaches their children. Presidents do not have the luxury of hindsight. They carry the responsibility for decisions they make, unlike the every four-year pack of jackals known as Presidential contenders. This ‘coulda-woulda-shoulda’ chorus speaks volumes of the character of the choir members (Kerry, Edwards and now Clinton). Just imagine a President of the United States running around hand-wringing and whining to the world, “If only I had known…”.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Defeat The War On Christmas

The War on Christmas must be defeated. Not only on a moral level but, just as important, on a common sense level. Why has the vast majority of the American populace allowed themselves to be cowed by the slighest whimper from some insecure, adolecent, miserable malcontent. The Ten Commandments, Nativity scenes, prayer in public forums and now Christmas Trees all now banned in many places simply because someone has the mistaken opinion that there is a constitutional right to not be offended! Well, I have but two words to say to this delusion: Grow up! How dare you, you sniveling, thin-skinned little thumb-sucker dictate to me what, when and where I may or may not celebrate my holidays, honor my heritage or pray to my God. . If I allowed myself to be "offended" I would become the same wretched, misrealbe, self-loathing creature as you. I will not cede to you that kind of power over me. Therefore, with the full intent of being polictically incorrect: Merry Christmas and God bless us all!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Bill Clinton's Military Career

The following is from Cdr. Hamilton McWorter, USN (RET):

(And Clinton is still out there trying to infulence events!)

BILL CLINTON's MILITARY CAREER(Bill & Hillary - Grit your teeth before you read this)

Bill Clinton registers for the draft on September 08, 1964, accepting all contractual conditions of registering for the draft.

Selective Service Number is 3 26 46 228.

Bill Clinton classified 2-S on November 17, 1964.Bill Clinton reclassified 1-A on March 20, 1968.

Bill Clinton ordered to report for induction on July 28, 1969.

Bill Clinton refuses to report and is not inducted into the military.

Bill Clinton reclassified 1-D after enlisting in the United States Army Reserves on August 07, 1969, under authority of Col. E. Holmes.Clinton signs enlistment papers and takes oath of enlistment.

Bill Clinton fails to report to his duty station at the University of Arkansas ROTC, September 1969.

Bill Clinton reclassified 1-A on October 30, 1969, as enlistment with Army Reserves is revoked by Colonel E. Holmes and Clinton now AWOL and subject to arrest under Public Law 90-40 (2)(a) registrant who has failed to report..remain liable for induction.

Bill Clinton's birth date lottery number is 311, drawn December 1, 1969, but anyone who has already been ordered to report for induction is INELIGIBLE!

Bill Clinton runs for Congress (1974), while a fugitive from justice under Public Law 90-40. Bill Clinton runs for Arkansas Attorney General (1976), while a fugitive from justice.

Bill Clinton receives pardon on January 21, 1977, from Carter.

Bill Clinton is the FIRST PARDONED FEDERAL FELON ever to serve as President of the United State s .

All these facts come from Freedom of Information requests, public laws, and various books that have been published, and have not been refuted by Clinton . After the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, President Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.After the 1995 bombing in Saudi Arabia , which killed five U.S. military personnel, Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished. After the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia , which killed 19 and injured 200 U.S. military personnel, Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished. After the 1998 bombing of U.S. embassies in Africa, which killed 224 and injured 5,000, Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.After the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole, which killed 17 and injured 39 U.S. sailors, Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.Maybe if Clinton had kept those promises, an estimated 3,000 people in New York and Washington , DC . who are now dead would be alive today.

INTERESTING QUESTION: This question was raised on a Philly radio call-in show. Without casting stones, it is a legitimate question:

There are two men, both extremely wealthy. One develops relatively cheap software and gives billions of dollars to charity. The other sponsors terrorism.That being the case, why was it that the Clinton Administration spent more money chasing down Bill Gates over the eight years in office, than Osama bin Laden?THINK ABOUT IT! It is a strange turn of events. Hillary gets $8 Million for her forthcoming memoir. Bill gets about $12 Million for his memoir yet to be written. This from two people who spent 8 years being unable to recall anything about past events while under oath.

Sincerely, Cdr. Hamilton McWhorter USN (ret)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

So You Want To Vote Democrat?

If the propagandists in the Mainstream Media are to be believed, then America is fed up with the current state of Congress and in the mood to change ruling parties. If this is your frame of mind, before you vote just ask yourself the following questions:

1. If you are taking too much money home in your paycheck, then vote for a Democrat. They will raise your taxes and solve that little problem.
2. If you want to abandon the War on Terror and bring our forces home before the job is finished, then vote for a Democrat. They will cut and run and then you can fight the enemy right here at home.
3. If you want to make yourself a success and think you have too much freedom and opportunity to do so, then vote for a Democrat. They will kill your ambition and stifle your ability to do so by more and more onerous laws, taxes and regulations.
4. If you are currently a success and have accumulated a little wealth and are ridden with guilt for having worked hard and earned it, then vote for a Democrat. They will take and re-distribute your wealth to others, most not willing to earn it themselves, just for that warm and fuzzy feeling. Help the less fortunate, but do so yourself; not because a pandering politician says so. Charity by government mandate is not charity; it is socialism!

Otherwise, vote Republican in November, warts and all.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Media Declares Election Over

The election is over. The votes have already been counted. The Republicans are cooked, stick a fork in them they are done. Or so you would believe if you are under the influence of the agenda driven mainstream media. This is exactly how the Liberal Democrats plan to regain power. They are depending upon the belief that you, the folks, are as simple as to be led by the nose in any direction they choose by their sycophants in the world of media. For the last six years, there has been nothing but negative stories, finger pointing, outright lies by the liberals and their panting partners in the press.

What do Democrats have to offer in a positive vein if they do take power in November? No one knows. The self-anointed Speaker of the House to be, Nancy Pelosi, outlined what Democrats plan to do in the first 100 hours after taking power: Lose the war in Iraq, raise taxes and take away current tax relief, mandate higher costs on business by raising the minimum wage which you, the folks, will pay in higher prices. And just for fun, impeach a Commander-in Chief during wartime. Where is there anything positive in all this?

Liberal Democrats cannot win elections on issues. They win by scandal, lies and negative spin. They win only if we let them. Well, I for one, will not allow that to happen by staying home on election day. I will take great pleasure in canceling a liberal’s vote!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Tin Foil Hat Crowd

I see that Tom Bohs is wearing his brand new tin-foil hat purchased from the Netroots division of the Democrat National Committee. Is it the Howard Dean designer model or just the regular nut-case headgear? Regardless, it must have come with a pre-printed conspiracy theory, this time about falling gas prices, the subject of his editorial rant in the Sunday Jackson Sun ( read his editorial )

This event, like all others including the weather, is to be blamed on George W. Bush by the likes of this paranoid paper editor and his “Hate Bush Club” socialist comrades. Rational folk, who have the slightest inkling on how market forces work, understand the positive results of a confluence of events. The ending, even if temporary, of the latest dust up between Lebanon and Israel, the much milder than expected hurricane season to date, and the end of the high-traffic summer driving season all converged. This has convinced the true culprits of gas (oil) prices, the speculators, that a shift from perceived future shortages to perceived future surpluses, at least a leveling of supply and demand, have taken place.

However, I must commend Mr. Bohs for, even if unwittingly, attributing some positive economic news to President Bush.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Oh How They Squeal!

Oh how they can squeal! The Democrat response to President Bush’s 9/11 Anniversary Address to the Nation is breathtaking in its banality and shallowness. The whining started immediately and predictably by the same tired old cast of characters such as Senators Harry Reid (d) and Ted Kennedy (d). The childish sniveling and foot-stomping by these and other Democrats show just how bereft this pack of partisans are of any real concern for the well-being of our country. All they can do is display faux outrage claiming the president used the speech from the Oval Office for political purposes. This from the bunch, who’s every breath, and other gaseous emissions, are of a vitriolic partisan political nature with the express purpose of destroying a President of the United States during a time of war.

President Bush explained, directly to the people, who the enemy is, where they are, why we are fighting them there, and why we will, and must, see this war through to victory. He did this eloquently and forcefully without an opportunity for Big Media to re-write, filter and de-emphasis the message. The Democrats cannot stand when this happens. When the president speaks directly to us, as he did Monday night, it makes the predictable Democrat reaction seem even more narcissistic and irreverent. As President Bush told us, “This struggle has been called a clash of civilizations. In truth, it is a struggle for civilization”. This quote from the speech shows how much larger the issue than Democrat ruffled feathers.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Democrat Mid-Term Agenda (or lack thereof)

What is the Democrat agenda heading into the mid-term elections this November? I can sum it up in one word: Nothing. That’s right. They plan to allow absolutely nothing to be accomplished, in any way shape or form. To allow any positive action for the country, either in domestic policy or national security, might be seen as a Republican accomplishment. This must in no way and at any cost be allowed.

On every issue from the economy, domestic issues to national security, these yapping curs have proven themselves to be, to borrow a phrase from a former vice-president, “nattering nabobs of negatism”. More people than ever are working; personal income is higher than ever, even under the reign of St. Clinton; in a war with Islamo-fascists who have vowed for five years to re-attack our homeland . . . no attacks.

On all these issues all we hear is complaints, whining, outright lies and promises of a “new direction”. It is clear, that for the past three years, the Democrat plan to is to do all in their obstructionist power to drag our country to a level so low that even a Democrat congress will have no where to go but up. Some “new direction”! No thanks.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Big Media's Two For One Chance

“Hurricane Ernesto! Hurricane Ernesto!” Big Media breathlessly pants in unbridled anticipation. Not only is this an opportunity to repeat their sterling performance of the Katrina coverage, it is a rare chance to a ‘two for one’. With the projected track of Ernesto to make landfall on the Florida Peninsula, the opportunity has presented itself to bag two political enemies at one time: George W. Bush and brother Jeb Bush, the Florida Governor.

Most of the Ernesto stories have already been written. Only the names of the disgruntled citizens and dates need to be filled in. Stories of displaced minorities abandoned by Federal and State (George and Jeb) governments are penned. Scathing interviews with Democrat congress-critters and operatives blaming a catastrophe of Biblical proportions on George and Jeb are taped and ready to roll. Reporters are already scouring all of Florida for demographically correct future victims of government incompetence. In newsrooms around the world, Big Media sits in circles, burns incense, chants and wills Hurricane Ernesto to strike the state that elected their archenemy, George W. Bush and possible heir, brother Jeb.

How disappointed Big Media will be if Ernesto fizzles into heavy rain. Don’t worry, the New York Times is ready to leak the story of the secret Bush weather control program.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Media Dissapointment

The British, with the full knowledge and assistance of US surveillance agencies, recently uncovered and halted a terrorist plot on the scale of 9-11. This plot involved the bringing down of 8 to 10 commercial airliners enroute from Europe to the United States and was thwarted by a combination of British intelligence work and information shared by the United States. Information gleaned from the NSA phone surveillance program. The same program demonized by the Defeatocrat Left when the New York Times and their comrades-in-media leaked it to the public. How disturbing it must be for them to learn that the program they wish to kill has, in all likelihood, just saved some their sorry rear-ends from being killed. What a surprise for the Left to have learned that finding out what the bad guys are up to and stopping them before they execute their deadly plan actually works! How disappointing for The New York Times, LA Times and Washington Post. They are just unable to understand how George Bush knew, weeks in advance, about this anti-terror operation and they did not, thus denying them the opportunity to warn the terrorists.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Champions of the 'Little Man'!

Senate liberal Democrats are poised to, once again, shoot themselves squarely in the foot. After months of carping about the need to pass a minimum wage increase, they are doing their best to kill a Republican bill that would do just that.

Democrats, the so-called champions of the ‘little man’, are willing to throw him under the bus in order to prevent the Republicans from fulfilling a campaign promise to extend the death tax cuts, which is part of the proposed bill. Liberal Democrats decry the death tax cuts as a fop to the rich. But they do not realize that the ‘little man’ they purport to champion, hopes someday to be rich and thereby their families someday benefit from the death tax cuts.

The message the Democrats are sending is this: “You will never benefit from the death tax cut because you will never be rich. By killing the bill to increase the minimum wage, we will see to it!”
Some champions!

Monday, July 31, 2006

The Israelis Are Not The Bad Guys!

The Israelis are not the bad guys! Of course, you would not know this by all the hand-wringing and cluck-clucking by the “world-wide” media. The latest “outrage” is the alleged destruction of a large building killing more than 50 civilians by an Israeli bomb. Israel has been pilloried and demonized for this act, even though they have apologized for the accident, if it was actually their doing. Not one word of condemnation from the “enlightened” for the cowardly Hezbolla terrorists that were using these civilians and others as human shields for their rocket launchers. What a complete disconnect from reality. Here we have the Hezbolla terrorists, hiding among civilians, firing over 2500 rockets into Israel with the expressed purpose of killing as many Israeli civilians as possible on one hand, and Israel taking out these rocket launchers trying desperately to NOT kill civilians in Lebanon. All the while, warning by radio, printed leaflet and even phone calls to these civilians to get out of harm’s way.
Since the building came down about FIVE hours AFTER the Israeli bomb attack, could it be that Hezbolla itself brought the building down with the women and children forced to stay inside? The most powerful weapon a terrorist can employ is a gullible and accommodating media with images of dead children.

Friday, July 21, 2006

"Peace" Movements Encourage War

“Peace” movements encourage war! Columnist Thomas Sowell has observed, correctly, that peace-niks and their idols, the United Nations and ‘World Opinion’, do not produce peace, but actually create the conditions for war. They prey upon a gullible public ill equipped by our public schools to analyze ideas and separate rhetoric from reality.

The Mid-East is a perfect example with all the calls (demands) for a cease-fire in the current action. The Mid-East has had more cease-fires in the past fifty years than any other place. If cease-fires worked, the Mid-East would be the most peaceful place on earth instead of the most violent. Throughout history, the futile and suicidal result of a weaker force attacking a superior force deterred war. Today, peace movements, the UN and World Opinion with calls for cease-fire and ‘restraint’ have removed this deterrent. Cowardly terrorist groups like Hezbolla know that they can attack an Israel and will be shielded from utter annihilation by ‘World Opinion’. As for calls for restraint, Israel has shown considerable restraint. I know this because Southern Lebanon is still on the map.