Thursday, August 03, 2006

Champions of the 'Little Man'!

Senate liberal Democrats are poised to, once again, shoot themselves squarely in the foot. After months of carping about the need to pass a minimum wage increase, they are doing their best to kill a Republican bill that would do just that.

Democrats, the so-called champions of the ‘little man’, are willing to throw him under the bus in order to prevent the Republicans from fulfilling a campaign promise to extend the death tax cuts, which is part of the proposed bill. Liberal Democrats decry the death tax cuts as a fop to the rich. But they do not realize that the ‘little man’ they purport to champion, hopes someday to be rich and thereby their families someday benefit from the death tax cuts.

The message the Democrats are sending is this: “You will never benefit from the death tax cut because you will never be rich. By killing the bill to increase the minimum wage, we will see to it!”
Some champions!