Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Defeat The War On Christmas

The War on Christmas must be defeated. Not only on a moral level but, just as important, on a common sense level. Why has the vast majority of the American populace allowed themselves to be cowed by the slighest whimper from some insecure, adolecent, miserable malcontent. The Ten Commandments, Nativity scenes, prayer in public forums and now Christmas Trees all now banned in many places simply because someone has the mistaken opinion that there is a constitutional right to not be offended! Well, I have but two words to say to this delusion: Grow up! How dare you, you sniveling, thin-skinned little thumb-sucker dictate to me what, when and where I may or may not celebrate my holidays, honor my heritage or pray to my God. . If I allowed myself to be "offended" I would become the same wretched, misrealbe, self-loathing creature as you. I will not cede to you that kind of power over me. Therefore, with the full intent of being polictically incorrect: Merry Christmas and God bless us all!