Wednesday, December 20, 2006


“If I knew then what I know now . . .” the latest words from President Elect (according to Big Media) Hillary Rodham-Clinton back tracking on her vote for military action in Iraq. How many times have we ordinary folk thought or said something to that effect? Alas, therein lies the problem. A President is not supposed to be ‘ordinary folk’. Unless you are a pretty, blonde, tearful Miss USA, you do not get a “do-over” in life. A President of the United States does not get a “do-over”. Throughout our history, Presidents have made hard, gut wrenching decisions and have had the grit to do so. They must have the character and strength to accept the consequences of those decisions, good and bad, just as any good parent teaches their children. Presidents do not have the luxury of hindsight. They carry the responsibility for decisions they make, unlike the every four-year pack of jackals known as Presidential contenders. This ‘coulda-woulda-shoulda’ chorus speaks volumes of the character of the choir members (Kerry, Edwards and now Clinton). Just imagine a President of the United States running around hand-wringing and whining to the world, “If only I had known…”.