Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Media Declares Election Over

The election is over. The votes have already been counted. The Republicans are cooked, stick a fork in them they are done. Or so you would believe if you are under the influence of the agenda driven mainstream media. This is exactly how the Liberal Democrats plan to regain power. They are depending upon the belief that you, the folks, are as simple as to be led by the nose in any direction they choose by their sycophants in the world of media. For the last six years, there has been nothing but negative stories, finger pointing, outright lies by the liberals and their panting partners in the press.

What do Democrats have to offer in a positive vein if they do take power in November? No one knows. The self-anointed Speaker of the House to be, Nancy Pelosi, outlined what Democrats plan to do in the first 100 hours after taking power: Lose the war in Iraq, raise taxes and take away current tax relief, mandate higher costs on business by raising the minimum wage which you, the folks, will pay in higher prices. And just for fun, impeach a Commander-in Chief during wartime. Where is there anything positive in all this?

Liberal Democrats cannot win elections on issues. They win by scandal, lies and negative spin. They win only if we let them. Well, I for one, will not allow that to happen by staying home on election day. I will take great pleasure in canceling a liberal’s vote!