Wednesday, October 18, 2006

So You Want To Vote Democrat?

If the propagandists in the Mainstream Media are to be believed, then America is fed up with the current state of Congress and in the mood to change ruling parties. If this is your frame of mind, before you vote just ask yourself the following questions:

1. If you are taking too much money home in your paycheck, then vote for a Democrat. They will raise your taxes and solve that little problem.
2. If you want to abandon the War on Terror and bring our forces home before the job is finished, then vote for a Democrat. They will cut and run and then you can fight the enemy right here at home.
3. If you want to make yourself a success and think you have too much freedom and opportunity to do so, then vote for a Democrat. They will kill your ambition and stifle your ability to do so by more and more onerous laws, taxes and regulations.
4. If you are currently a success and have accumulated a little wealth and are ridden with guilt for having worked hard and earned it, then vote for a Democrat. They will take and re-distribute your wealth to others, most not willing to earn it themselves, just for that warm and fuzzy feeling. Help the less fortunate, but do so yourself; not because a pandering politician says so. Charity by government mandate is not charity; it is socialism!

Otherwise, vote Republican in November, warts and all.