Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Tin Foil Hat Crowd

I see that Tom Bohs is wearing his brand new tin-foil hat purchased from the Netroots division of the Democrat National Committee. Is it the Howard Dean designer model or just the regular nut-case headgear? Regardless, it must have come with a pre-printed conspiracy theory, this time about falling gas prices, the subject of his editorial rant in the Sunday Jackson Sun ( read his editorial )

This event, like all others including the weather, is to be blamed on George W. Bush by the likes of this paranoid paper editor and his “Hate Bush Club” socialist comrades. Rational folk, who have the slightest inkling on how market forces work, understand the positive results of a confluence of events. The ending, even if temporary, of the latest dust up between Lebanon and Israel, the much milder than expected hurricane season to date, and the end of the high-traffic summer driving season all converged. This has convinced the true culprits of gas (oil) prices, the speculators, that a shift from perceived future shortages to perceived future surpluses, at least a leveling of supply and demand, have taken place.

However, I must commend Mr. Bohs for, even if unwittingly, attributing some positive economic news to President Bush.