Friday, July 21, 2006

"Peace" Movements Encourage War

“Peace” movements encourage war! Columnist Thomas Sowell has observed, correctly, that peace-niks and their idols, the United Nations and ‘World Opinion’, do not produce peace, but actually create the conditions for war. They prey upon a gullible public ill equipped by our public schools to analyze ideas and separate rhetoric from reality.

The Mid-East is a perfect example with all the calls (demands) for a cease-fire in the current action. The Mid-East has had more cease-fires in the past fifty years than any other place. If cease-fires worked, the Mid-East would be the most peaceful place on earth instead of the most violent. Throughout history, the futile and suicidal result of a weaker force attacking a superior force deterred war. Today, peace movements, the UN and World Opinion with calls for cease-fire and ‘restraint’ have removed this deterrent. Cowardly terrorist groups like Hezbolla know that they can attack an Israel and will be shielded from utter annihilation by ‘World Opinion’. As for calls for restraint, Israel has shown considerable restraint. I know this because Southern Lebanon is still on the map.