Friday, July 24, 2009

Health Care Reform All About HIM!

Despite what B. Hussein Obama says, he owns the health care reform issue lock, stock and barrel and it is all about him! With his job approval ratings now below 50% (Welcome back Carter), the Snake-Oil Salesman-in-Chief has become a regular sit-com on broadcast TV to air his infomercials for ObamaCare -- the cure for all ailments! With a practiced straight face he looked right in the camera and lied to America -- "This is not about me!"

Nonsense! It is all about him. Health care is his signature effort -- his line in the sand. And he knows if he produces nothing, the mystique of The One is forfeit. This is why Obama keeps moving the goal posts of deadlines and details. Universal coverage? Well maybe, maybe not. No middle-class tax increase? Well, maybe just a little, as long as they don't "primarily" bear the burden. It is all about him and he will put his signature on anything as long as the title says "health-care reform." So he just keeps putting lipstick on this pig and trots it out on stage almost daily.

If this is not about politics (and politics is all about him), then why is it that his grand-scheme for health care does not address in any shape, form or fashion one of the worst sources of waste in American medicine - - the outrageously insane cost and arbitray rewards of medical malpractice?

When a doctor, a neurosurgeon for example, pays $200,000 a year for malpractice insurance before he even turns on the lights in his office, hires his first employee or sees his first patient -- who do you think pays for this overhead? Patients, in higher doctor fees and insurance premiums. Why? One word answer -- Lawyers!

With lotto-like awards in which one claimant collects giga-bucks and 1/3 of everything goes to lawyers -- where do you think the money comes from? The insurance companies, which then pass it on to you in higher premiums. Unlike the Fed, insurance companies just can't print money to pay claims.

But the greatest waste is the hidden cost of defensive medicine. These are all the tests and procedures that doctors order for no good reason other than to protect themselves from the bottom-crawling, scum-sucking scavengers, and I am not talking about catfish! Every doctor's worst nightmare is a malpractice suit and the increased cost of unnecessary medical procedures is incurred with an eye not on medicine but on the law.

Tort reform, not ObamaCare, would yield tens of billions in savings alone. Yet it is nowhere in the Democratic bills. And Obama breathed not a word about it in his recent hour long infomercial. Why? Simple -- Democrats are parasitically dependent on the huge donations from trial lawyers.

I seem to remember The O promising a new politics that puts people ahead of special interests. What am I to believe? The reality of his actions-- or my lying ears?