Thursday, July 02, 2009

Al Franken – Wholly Owned Subsidiary of ACORN

Al Franken, the former Stuart Smalley, becomes the 60th Democrat in the US Senate. That statement is even painful to type on a keyboard! This blithering idiot joins the likes of Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Chris Dodd, Dick Durbin and Roland Burris as examples of just how far the United States has fallen from its pinnacle of greatness.

The Franken ‘victory’ is just the latest assault on the senses. This nightmare became a reality when the incumbent Minnesota Republican Senator Norm Coleman conceded defeat in the recount of all recounts after the state’s Supreme Court unanimously rejected his lawsuit.

But his loss was more than likely preordained in 2006 when Democrat Mark Ritchie defeated two-term Republican Mary Kiffmeyer to become Minnesota secretary of State.

Ritchie is the one who finagled the recount that gave Franken a lead some six weeks after Coleman appeared to win by 725 votes on election day. Now here is the dirty little secret: Ritchie has extensive ties to the ACORN organization, now under federal investigation for voter fraud in fourteen states, and was endorsed by the community activist group in 2006.

"Mark Ritchie as we all know is a hard-core liberal who was endorsed by Acorn and funded by Acorn," Matthew Vadum, senior editor of, a nonprofit think tank, recently told NewsMax. "It is not surprising that he has a permissive attitude toward the recount process."

Ritchie gave credit for his 2006 election to the liberal ACORN organization, the stated goal of which is to replace conservative secretaries of state with liberal Democrats. Why? Simple: After the recounts in Florida in 2000 and Ohio in 2004, both of which were key to Bush victories, the Left realized that the secretary of state is as important, if not more so, as which candidate got the most votes. Control the election process and you control the future.

In 2008, the group helped fund Democratic victories in Montana, West Virginia, Oregon and Missouri, spending some $280,000, according to the watchdog group Center for Public Integrity.

If this trend continues, our elections may soon be no more honest than the one recently held in Iran. If the Secretary of State Project and Acorn are allowed to so manipulate the process, there will be more "victories" like Al Franken's to come.