Friday, July 17, 2009

Put Me on the Health Care Waiting List Now Please: An Open Letter to My Congressman

The following is a great spoof about the 'waiting lists' under ObamaCare. It was written by fellow blogger, Annette Bybee. You can read more of her material at:

Re-printed with permission:
Dear Congressman,

I need to ask you a favor. I hate to bug you, because boy, are you guys busy back there in Washington! I mean, wow! You don't even have time to read your bills. Not even the ones you wrote yourselves. First there were all those bailouts, then there was stimulus, then that whopper of a cap and trade bill, and now you're getting ready to hit us with socialized medicine. I know, I know, you don't like to call it that. It's 'health care reform' or a 'single payer option' or a 'public plan'. Yada, yada, yada. It's socialized medicine. And you want me to have it, even if I actually like the health care plan I already have, like 70% of the population does. But never mind what we want. Just go ahead and push your agenda on us, under the whip cracking of Pelosi. Have you ever noticed how she has that self-satisfied smirk when she's in front of the cameras? And what's with those kindergarten wooden bead necklaces?

But I digress. I really need your help. You see, I like to plan for the future. And the future means possible unemployment because of all the stimulating you folks are doing to the economy, or if not unemployment, at least high taxes to pay for all that stimulating and all that 'free' health care. And because my electric bill will "necessarily skyrocket" I won't be able to afford heat or air conditioning, or TV, or lights. I'll be sitting around in the dark shivering or sweating, not listening to Rush because I'm sure you'll pass the fairness doctrine at some point.

There I go again, digressing. Okay, so I've heard that in countries with socialized medicine there are waiting lists for some minor frivolous health care procedures, like cancer treatments or necessary surgeries. And I'm kind of worried about it. So could you be a pal and ask that future Health Care Rationing Czar to put me on the waiting list to get on the waiting list? Just in case I actually get sick in the future. I like to plan ahead. And while you're at it, can you please put me on the waiting list for psychiatric treatment as well? I feel a nervous breakdown coming on, what with watching you destroy my country and all.


Your Humble Constituent

P.S. You might want to put yourself on that list as well, because of course you'll be under the same health care plan as us peons, right?