Saturday, August 08, 2009

On The Brink !

Democrats are on the brink of a complete self-induced meltdown . . . and they are blaming US ... ordinary conservative, independent citizens (across the spectrum) who are terrified at what Washington is doing to this country.

They, and they alone, created this mess and just cannot understand how we, the American people, can be so insubordinate, so inconsiderate as not to approve, sheeple-like and without dissent, their every whim and misbegotten fantasy. How dare we, mere serfs, question our elected representatives! Unheared of! The nerve! This cannot be tolerated!

Liberal democrats put themselves in this very uncomfortable place through a combination of hubris, unmitigated arrogance and just plain old incompetence. Having won an election, not by a landslide but interpreting it as such, they mistakenly assumed a mandate for any and all whimsical, far-fetched, moronic plans for government expansion and centralized power. Never in their wildest dreams did they think there was a limit to the unquestioned acceptance of rule that was believed their birthright.

We accepted, reluctantly, the Stimulus Plan after being scared to death by the administration of the "dire and immediate" crisis that had to be dealt with ... damn the torpedoes and pass the bill... don't worry, we will fill in the blanks later!

We accepted, grumbling and figiting, the take over of the auto industry and the financial world, again, threatened with imminent Armageddon in failing to do so . . . Plan? We don't need no stinkin' plan! Remember, we are the government and we are here to help!

Cap and trade brought this witch's brew oh so close to the boiling point but now seems to have simmered, lost in the Senate chambers.

Emboldend by thier own self-importance and false sense of immortality, the three-headed Cerberus (Obama/Pelosi/Reid) went for the hat-trick: ObamaCare! BOOM!

Discontent, fear and just plain anger boiled the pot over and what a mess it has made. This is not just about health care. Healthcare is just the straw breaking the taxpayer's, heretofore, very sturdy back.

This is about the very fundementals of the American republic. Elected represetative government representing the wishes of the people. Or, in our present condition, the lack thereof!

Democrats, having been tharwted in the planned fast track passage before the summer congressional recess of this monstrosity by members of their own party (prior to the bribery, threats and intimidation), are now at home (or on taxpayer funded junkets) cowering and hiding from their constituents. The ones who made it home first and went out in public caught an earful! They really did not take into account the mood of the people in the midst of a great recession and how it has changed the national mood on spending, government control and politicians being accountable to thier public.

And so the abject shock on the faces of Congressmen who've faced the grilling back home. They had no idea, not a clue how people were feeling. The passions of the protesters are entirely understandable. They hired (elected) a person to represent them in Washington. Gave him a nice car and driver, a staff and lots of perks to listen to them and do what is best for them. That's all. Not very high expectations. Just represent our interests back here and take care of our business in Washington. Instead, the people are terrified at what their 'employee' is doing in the name of the company (country).

What has been most upsetting and freighting is not the congressmen's surprise, but their hard-nosed response to the will of the people. The Lib-o-crats and their media charged that the town-hall meetings weren't authentic, the crowds were ginned up by insurance companies, lobbyists and the Republican National Committee. But, as Peggy Noonan writes, :... you can not get people to leave their homes and go to a meeting with a congressman, of all people, unless they are engaged to the point of passion."

What the town-hall meetings represent is a feeling of rebellion, an uprising against change they do not believe in. And the Democrat response has been shockingly crude and agressive. It has been to attack. Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, in effect calling people who question thier congressmen Nazis. Union thugs, attending town-hall meetings at the behest of the DNC and the White House, rousting the elderly and beating up a black conservative voicing their opinions. But most potentially damaging to our freedoms and liberty, was the new White House email address to which citizens are asked to report instances of "fishy" information or conversations against the administration policy. That's right! A Snitch Line! (Please add my name to that list!)

All this is divisive and provocative. They are mocking, menacing and intimidating concerned citizens. But this will not work! Instead of allowing ourselves to be intimidated and slinking away to toil away at our jobs and happily send more tax money to these professional theives, we will, in the words Obama himself instructing Democrats how to handle us, "punch back twice as hard!"

Let your congress-critter know exactly how you feel and let no one silence you!