Saturday, July 18, 2009

Green Shoots of Hope

There may be some ‘green shoots’ of hope for Conservatives just six months into the nightmare called “The Era (Error) of Obama.” While his poll numbers remain fairly strong at 56%, they do not represent the kind of strength with which one can ‘walk on water’!

There are a couple of trends that should provide some encouragement to Conservatives and irritate the Obamaites. First of all, a recent Gallup poll found 40% of Americans described their political views as conservative. Compare this to only 21% who say they are liberal. That would indicate that 39% of Americans are independent. Guess who is becoming disenchanted with Obamaism? What’s more, Gallup also found that Americans, by a two-to-one margin, say their political views have become more conservative in recent years than liberal. And a Pew survey in May shows that there has been “no consistent movement away from conservatism, nor a shift toward liberalism” since the last election.

What does that mean for the good guys? (That would be we Conservatives, in case there is some Liberal interloper reading my blog). It means that the ‘American Idol’ election of Obama in 2008 did not represent an ideological shift toward Liberalism, as fantasized by the Cerberus of Obama, Pelosi and Reid. The “mandate” claimed by Liberals is simply not there!

Secondly, Republicans, while still working through an identity crisis, are gaining ground with the American voter on issues. Even the Obama mouthpiece, the New York Times, in a poll earlier this month, shows almost 70% expressed a “great deal” or “quite a bit” of concern about the expanding role of the federal government under Obama.

When it comes to party affiliation, Democrats have lost more support this year than Republicans. In addition, Republicans are closing the gap and, in some areas, pulling slightly ahead of Dummycrates in generic Congressional polls.

B. Husseins’ 56% approval rating, as noted earlier, is down from 65% in the last month. The decrease in his job-approval ratings is driven in part by a 15 point drop in support among independent voters. This must really have caused a ‘loose bowel moment’ in the White House!

These trends are now manifesting themselves in the views of lawmakers. For example, Blue Dog Democrats are growing a pair and bucking the Obama reckless spending agenda.

Now it would be wishful thinking on the part of Conservatives and Republicans (for the two are not necessarily the same) to pretend that Obama is in a free-fall. However, he is no longer skating on smooth ice. A public who bought into the ‘snake oil cure-all’ sales pitch are now having the first twinges of buyer’s remorse. He is much more liberal than advertised and his ‘jus words…jus speeches’ are beginning to fall a bit flat. Obama is sounding like politics as usual.

We Conservatives should take Obama’s advice to Congressional Democrats: it is time to “buck it up” and “not slow up or lose heart” in our fight to restore America to the country it should and can be. We are at a rare nexus in history when what we do now, really does have long lasting, even existential, consequences for “life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

Fight the good fight and let it be known, “We Will Remember In November!”