Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Conservatism Under Attack

Conservatism is under attack and must be defended. But what does it mean to be a Conservative. Mark Levin in his “Liberty and Tyranny” has some thoughts on this subject. I agree and include some of my own:

Conservatism is a way of understanding life, society, and governance. The Founders were heavily influenced by certain philosophers, among them Adam Smith who espoused ‘spontaneous order’; Charles Montesquieu, separation of powers; and notably John Locke, a proponent of ‘natural rights.’ The Founders were also influenced by their faiths, personal experiences, and knowledge of history (actual history – not the revisionist swill taught in public schools and universities today). Edmund Burke, who was both a British statesman and thinker, is often said to be the father of modern conservatism. He was an early defender of the American Revolution and advocate of representative government. He wrote of the interconnection of liberty, free markets, religion, tradition and authority (most of these are in very short supply today).

The Founders believed, and the Conservative agrees, in the dignity of the individual; that we, as human beings, have a right to live freely and pursue that which motivates us, not because man or some government says so, but because these are God-given natural rights.

Like the Founders, the Conservative also recognize the rules of co-operation that have developed through generations of human experience and collective reasoning that promote the betterment of the individual and society. This is characterized as the civil society.

In the civil society, the individual is recognized and accepted as more than an abstract statistic or faceless member of some group; rather he is a unique, spiritual being with a soul and conscience. He is free to discover his own potential and pursue, to the best of his ability, his own legitimate interests; always tempered by a moral order that serves as a rule and guide for his life and being. Freedom to pursue happiness, success and prosperity – not a guarantee of equal outcomes is what drives the Conservative. He rejects the relativism that blurs the lines between right and wrong, good and evil, just and unjust, and means and ends.

In the civil society, private property and liberty are inseparable. The individual’s right to live freely and safely and pursue happiness includes the right to acquire and possess property, which represents that fruits of his own intellectual and/or physical labor. The illegitimate denial or diminution of his private property enslaves him to another and denies him his liberty.

In the civil society, a rule of law, which is just, known and predictable, and applied equally provides the governing framework for and restraints on politicians, thereby serving as a check and balance against the arbitrary use and, more than likely, abuse of power.

For the Conservative, the civil society has as its highest purpose its preservation and improvement.

The Liberal believes in the supremacy of the state, thereby rejecting the principles of the Declaration of Independence and the order of the civil society, in whole or part. For the Liberal, the individual’s ambition and pursuits for him and his family impede the objective of a utopian state.

The Founders understood that the greatest threat to liberty is an all-powerful central government, where the few dictate to the many. For much of American history, the balance between governmental authority and individual liberty was understood and accepted. Federal power was confined to that which was specifically enumerated in the Constitution and no more! And that power was further limited, for it was dispersed among three federal branches – the legislative, executive and judicial. Beyond that, the power remained with the states and ultimately the people.

This system is now dangerously out of balance and must be restored. Championed by the Liberal, judicial activism (legislating from the bench) is rampant and is a clear and present danger to the precise balance of power established by the Founders. That is why scrutiny of Federal and Supreme Court nominees is so very, very important, for what the Liberal cannot legislate, he decrees by judicial fiat!

Now a warning and a call to action:

The nation that our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought and died for; the nation we in which we were fortunate to grow up is in mortal danger! Not as much from a foreign enemy, although they are there, but from within. Never has there been a time when the individual voice has been more important; never a time when individual action has been more urgent than this moment in history. For far too long, the Conservative has allowed political activism to be dominated by the Liberal. This shall no longer stand. We can, and will, re-take our country and return it to the conservative ideals and principles upon which it was founded so long ago.

Stand up! Be heard! Be counted! It starts today. Constantly call, write/email your elected representatives and let them know enough is enough. Demand that your voice be heard and heeded! Insist upon a return to conservative ideals of smaller, more responsible limited government. Remind them just who they work for and let it be known -- the Boss is NOT happy!

The 2010 congressional elections will be when the second ‘shot heard round the world’ will be sounded followed by the 2012 presidential election. But it starts here, now, today. Study the issues, arm yourself with facts. Liberals scurry from the sunlight of the truth and the truth is on our side. Be relentless, forthright and persevere for the future of the United States of America depends upon you!