Tuesday, June 03, 2008

The Clinton / Obama Shakedown

Negotiations are reported to be taking place between the Barack Hussein Obama and the Madame Clinton campaigns about the Illinois senator helping to repay some of the massive debt incurred by his rival and major pain in the posterior. One of Hillary Clinton’s donors said that the former First Lady’s (this term used very loosely and under protest) campaign was as much as $40 million in the red.

In a conference call with major donors, contributors were told by Harold Ickes, a senior Clinton adviser, that she was unlikely to pull out of the race until the issue of her massive debts was resolved. The New York senator has lent her own campaign at least $11.5 million.

One source close to a major donor said: “It’s not about the vice-presidency or any other position she might get. It’s about the money – in particular the Clinton family money.” The Barack Hussein Obama campaign might have to reach deeply into its well-stocked coffers in order to secure the full support of Clinton and HubbaBubba in the November general election. In other words, pay the blackmail! A recurring theme in how Clinton, Inc. conducts business.

This only confirms what most people already knew: the Clintons are nothing more than political prostitutes willing to sell their "services." Having determined what they are; all that remains is negotiating the price. This "shakedown", worthy of the likes of professional racial extortionist Rev.' Jesse Jackson, is so blatant that the media just can't see it (Surprise! Surprise!)

I just wonder how the thousands and thousands of Barack Hussein Obama's contributors, large and small, feel about him putting their money in Clinton's pocket?

If you can't win on principle, just buy off the competition. This is the "CHANGE" Barack Hussein wants to bring to Washington? Guess his old buddy, Tony Resko (indicted Chicago low-life), taught him well!