Sunday, June 15, 2008

George Bush: One of America's Greatest Presidents !

Much to the dismay of America's rabid Bush-Hating Liberal Leftists and their brie nibbling Liberal Socialist comrades-in-arms in Euro-stan, President George W. Bush will go down in history as one of the greatest American presidents.

How can I possibly say this when all one hears is a constant din of Bush-hatred in the 'media?' Well, that right there is one good reason. For whatever Liberal Leftists and the Liberal Media believe, the opposite is usually much closer to the truth. Another good reason is that George W. Bush is the man responsible for keeping Americans safe from another terroist attack on American soil for nearly seven years now. Name me one person on September 11, 2001, or immediately thereafter, who believed there would not be another attack for seven years? . . . I'm waiting!

Keeping America safe! That is a president's most important job as outlined in the United States' Constitution: "The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States;..." (Article II; Section II). A president cannot control the economy; has no duty to 'feel your pain'; has no obligation to make the United States the world's largest 'meals-on-wheels'. A president's primary duty is to protect the United States from enemies, foreign and domestic.

However, the mere act of taking out Saddam Hussein and his sociopathic seed, Uday and Qusay, has proven to be a greater humanitarian accomplishment than anything Bill Clinton ever did.

It is now beyond dispute, despite the desperate whining of the leftist hyena pack, that President Bush has made this country safe by keeping Islamic lunatics pinned down fighting in Iraq; not here. In the past few years, our brave troops have killed more than 20,000 al-Qaida and other Islamic militants in Iraq alone. That is 20,000 terrorists who will never board a plane headed for the US and, if caught, be able to appeal to the US Supreme Court! (However, the latest Supreme Court ruling has just made President Bush's job much harder!)

We are, in fact, fighting them there so we do not have to fight them at, say, Times Square in New York -- the mere mention of which never fails to enrage liberals, which is why it should be repeated as often as possible.

The Iraq war is shaping up to become a stunning success. (Name one war that has actually gone to the original plan?) The Iraqi army is 'standing up' and taking control and responsibility for some of the most troublesome areas; Muqtada (Mookie) al-Sadar has waddled off to Iran to hide from his own militia; and Sadar City and Basra are no longer war zones. Our servicemen are baffled by the constant nay-saying from their own country.

The Iraqi's have a democracy and, despite its newness, appears to be working better than the dysfunctional one in Washington, DC! Monthly casualties in Iraq are now lower than a walk through Fort Marcy Park during the Hillary Clinton Co-presidency (ie., Vince Foster). Last month (May 2008) there were 19 troop casualties. While that is still 20 too many, last year an average of five people were shot every day in Chicago (that is in the United States for those geographically challenged among you). With Iraqi civilian deaths at an all time low, Iraq is safer than Detroit.

Al-Qaida is virtually destroyed, surprising even the CIA (which is not surprising). Two weeks ago, the Washington Post reported:

"Less than a year after his agency warned of new threats from a resurgent al-Qaida, CIA Director Michael V. Hayden now portrays the terrorist movement as essentially defeated in Iraq and Saudi Arabia and on the defensive throughout much of the rest of the world, including in its presumed haven along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border."

Gee, you would think there might have been some kind of "surge" going on or something!

As Ann Coulter writes, "
We begin to forget what it was like to turn on the TV, see a tornado, a car chase or another Pamela Anderson marriage and think: Good -- another day without a terrorist attack.

But liberals have only blind hatred for Bush -- and for those brute American interrogators who do not supply extra helpings of béarnaise sauce to the little darlings at Guantanamo with sufficient alacrity.

The sheer repetition of lies about Bush is wearing people down. There is not a liberal in this country worthy of kissing Bush's rear end, but the weakest members of the herd run from Bush. Compared to the lickspittles denying and attacking him, Bush is a moral giant -- if that's not damning with faint praise. John McCain should be so lucky as to be running for Bush's third term. Then he might have a chance."

From a Tennessee Conservative - Thank You President Bush . . . and Happy Father's Day!