Monday, May 26, 2008

The Liberal Democrat Party – A Study in Victimology

The Liberal Democrat Party’s sole means of existence is to create as many “victims” as possible and to promise, with perfidious regularity, that their government will take care of your every wish and desire (it has gone way beyond needs). The Utopian Nanny State of Amerika is their ultimate goal, with them in control, of course (otherwise it would not be their idea of a Utopian Nanny State).

In order to be “victim”, as defined by Liberal Democrat Victimology, one needs only to exist. Anything that has ever gone wrong in life, or just slightly irritated you, must be the fault of someone other than yourself. In their Utopian Nanny State of Amerika, as a member of their Coalition of Victims, you need not take responsibility for anything. If you were a slackard in school and are now dumb as a box of rocks and cannot hold even the most menial job, it is not your fault. Blame it on NAFTA, or immigration, or better yet, blame it on Bush! Since personal responsibility is no longer necessary or desired, much less a work ethic or any sense of shame, you are a perfect candidate for the Democrat Coalition of Victims.

The best part of Liberal Democrat Victimology is that you may not even know you are a “victim.” If you are a hard-working American who gets up and does the right thing by going to work, paying your taxes, feeding your family and helping your neighbor, you are a “victim.” You do not think yourself a victim but you must be for Liberal Democrats to exist. Therefore they convince you that you are a victim of some “evil rich”, whatever that means. Liberal Democrat Victimology Theology does not accept the premise that a hard-working American works hard in hope of one day becoming one of the “evil rich.”

This just cannot be allowed! What if everyone worked hard, took responsibility for themselves and their own actions, cared for their own family and helped their neighbors? An attitude like that would be the end of Liberal Democrat Victomology and the Utopian Nanny State of Amerika. These blasphemous thoughts must be purged for the minds of the people. Liberal Democrat Victomoligists started this purge roughly 40 years ago through the public schools. Aided and abetted by the National Education Association (of Liberal Socialists) the Nation’s children have been systematically indoctrinated in the nuances of Liberal Democrat Victimology. Grades? We don't need no stinking grades! The “C” slackard student (victim) may have a ‘self-confidence crisis’ if the hard-working “A” student receives any type of recognition for a job well done. Competitive playground games? No! Someone might lose and have their feelings hurt (victimized). Now, don’t get me wrong. There are some good, honest teachers out there in the trenches, but I fear they are fighting the good, but futile battle.

Liberal Democrat Victimology has now become part of the 2008 Presidential campaign talking points for both Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama. The Democrats have embraced the idea that soldiers are a new constituency in their Coalition of the Victimized. Obama's victory speech after the South Carolina primary in January grouped soldiers and their families with "the mother who can't get Medicaid for her sick child," the "teacher who works another shift at Dunkin Donuts" and the "Maytag worker who is now competing with his own teenager for a $7-an-hour job at Wal-Mart."

This is just insulting to our brave Volunteer / Heroes of the US Military. They must look back at their homeland from their faraway combat duty posts in disbelief and wonder, “Is this really what we are fighting and bleeding for?” How sad!