Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Marines 7 - Murtha 0

This is the news you will not hear and will not read, unless page 30 something behind the yard-sale ads:

Lt Col. Jeffery Chessani, accused of failing to investigate the killings of 24 Iraqis, had charges dropped Tuesday in the alleged Haditha massacre. The charges were dismissed without prejudice.

That is US Marines - 7 / Anti-war liberal leftists - ZERO (just in case anyone is keeping score)!

This, after he and seven fellow US Marines were tried and convicted in the press and on the floor of Congress by Rep. John Murtha - (DEMOCRAT - Pennsylvania) and the rest of his anti-war, knuckle-dragging partners in slime. There's a permanent stain left by the slanderous propaganda of Rep. Murtha -- the stab in the Marines' backs heard 'round the world: "Our troops overreacted because of the pressure on them, and they killed innocent civilians in cold blood." Those who perpetrated the smear campaign against the US Marines two years ago should hang their heads in shame.

They won't, of course. They have no shame! Being a liberal-leftist means you can spew any form of lie you wish with impunity from the court of public opinion. This because public opinion is tightly controlled by the liberal-media. Proof? Ok, where are the same Armageddon-sized font headlines about the dismissals and acquittals in the New York times that were used repeatedly when the story first broke? (Although, I admit, it is hard to read the NY Times at the bottom of a bird cage.)

You will never hear an, "I'm sorry" from this sorry bunch who whipped into a frenzy the "cold-blooded Marines" narrative which was aired with constant glee. It means never having to look Lt. Col. Chessani (charges dismissed), Lt. Andrew Grayson (acquitted), Lance Cpl. Stephen Tatum (charges dismissed), Capt. Lucas McConnell (charges dismissed), Lance Cpl. Justin Sharratt (charges dismissed), Sgt. Sanick Dela Cruz (charges dismissed), Sgt. Frank Wuterich (awaiting trial) and their families in the eyes and apologize for the preemptive character assassination they all faced at the hands of the hyperventilating, noose-hanging press.

The families of the Haditha Marines have called for Congress to censure Murtha, who cuts and runs, sputtering and spitting, to the nearest elevator when questioned about the Haditha dismissals. He and the Haditha smear merchants have skated while the men and their families suffered global whippings on the airwaves and eternal demonization in print.

This is how they honor our servicemen and women. Doesn't that just give you a big ol' Warm-'n-Fuzzy?