Thursday, June 12, 2008

Work Over Wealth?

Work Over Wealth. This is the current theme of the Barrack Hussein Obama presidential campaign. These words are designed to portray Hussein as a champion of the 'workers' against the 'evil rich.' This really is nothing more than the old and failed socialist mantra of class-warfare. Designed to incite the serfs to to rise up, pitch forks in hand, to topple the 'evil rich' Lords. Only afterwards, do the serfs realize that they have destroyed the very people and institutions that support and protect them. Ask yourself this question: When was the last time you were hired and were paid by a poor person?

Work Over Wealth. Tax the 'evil rich' into oblivion. Take their wealth (which they use to invest in creating jobs and hire and pay workers) and redistribute it to those who have not earned it. This is the only page in the Liberal Socialists (ie: Democrats) play book. It has failed every time it has been tried, but that does not stop them from trying it again. Will the recipients of this re-distributed wealth go out and start a business, create jobs and grow the economy? Hell no! Why would they put themselves in the same position as the ones whose heads just got lopped off?

Liberal Socialists, like Hussein Obama, have no idea of what it is to work at a job and create wealth (defined as having anything that belongs to you). Hussein, as with most other Liberal Socialists, has never held a 'real' job where he worked for a 'real' business. He started out as a 'community organizer' (whatever the hell that is?) and then, paying due homage to the Chicago liberal political machine with the likes of Calypso Louie Farrakan and domestic terrorist William Ayers, snouted up to the public trough of state politics. He has been living off your money ever sense. Barack Hussein has never run a business, never run an organization, never had to produce any type of work product. But he knows how you should live, what you should earn and what you should own. Unbelievable!

While I most certainly do not agree with all of John McCain's policies, the McCain-Obama contrast on economics couldn't be more stark. Hussein Obama wants to use the tax system to redistribute income and wealth, not to grow the economy. He constantly talks about rewarding work over wealth. Again, this is pure class warfare.

Hussein Obama doesn't seem to understand that our nation was founded on the principle of equality of opportunity (not equality of outcome), and that private enterprise, not government, is the main economic driver. Obama intensely dislikes businesses. He would repeal all the Bush tax cuts and raise the corporate tax.

Hussein Obama talks about the need for bottom-up economic growth. But this is a false-flag. He's pure top-down when it comes to big-spending government programs.

Obama singled out the ownership society, calling it a "worn dogma." In fact he misjudges modern America, which is dominated today by 100 million investors, 25 million small-business owners, nearly 70 million homeowners, and roughly 140 million people who go to work everyday in the corporate world.

Obama opposes free trade. And though he has tried to hedge his bet on this point, it will never sell in this YouTube election.

Earlier in the campaign, he became the candidate of 1970's scarcity and limits when he asserted that "we can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on, you know, 72 degrees Fahrenheit at all times, and then just expect that every other country is going to say okay." Why does he think we need other countries' permission to create the life style WE want? How dare he!

Ironically, it's Sen. McCain who is saying "Yes we can." We can grow. We can prosper. We can be confident about the future. He's saying that with the right economic policies, America's outlook will know no bounds.

Barack Hussein Obama is a media created 'post turtle.' What is a "post turtle?' When you're driving down a country road and you see a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that is a 'post turtle.' You know he did not get there by himself, he doesn't belong up there, he doesn't know what to do while he is up there, and you just wonder what kind of idiot put him up there to begin with!

Just remember the Liberal Socialist Democrat mindset: What is their's is theirs and what is yours is theirs!