Monday, June 09, 2008

No We Won't !

We have the freest, strongest and most prosperous country in the history of the world. We have achieved this feat by adhering to the traditional principles of Conservatism; the first principles of our country. By staying true to these principles, we will keep it that way.

We inherited our country from the founders based on certain eternal truths. These truths, founded upon the Sacred Scriptures and wisdom of the ages, carry with them the evidence of their value. The fact that there is such a thing as human nature has to be taken in account when governing, and most fundamentally, based on the fact that people are meant to be free, are among these eternal truths. Our founders derived from these principles a government that had its powers separated, checked and balanced because they know that power tended to corrupt and absolute power corrupted absolutely. In keeping with that they incorporated in our Constitutional system a system of Federalism to make sure that there was not too much power concentrated in the central government, which were given delineated powers and no others.

From these principles we developed a market economy, with the rule of law, a system of trade with other nations, and a strong national defense. From the prosperity, freedom and strength that came from this system we became a friend, example and protector to all those around the globe who aspired to similar goals. We won wars, including the Cold War, and enhanced world stability within which other could pursue their own freedom. As a result, we enhanced our own security as Americans.

But today, many of the principles that made our country the greatest on earth are under assault from the Liberal Left and their wholly owned subsidiary, the Democrat Party, and sadly some mis-guided Republicans. However, we must ask those who would "change" our principles, "When did freedom and liberty become outdated? What part of our Constitutional framework needs to be abandoned?"

While acknowledging that the world is a constantly changing place, we must recognize there are still some unchanging truths. It is when our country has abandoned our principles that we have gotten into trouble; not when we have adhered to them.

The Democrat Party of today would abandon many of these principles and what they would not abandon, they would distort. They have their own principles:

* Highlighting and dwelling on America's imperfections.
* Isolationism
* Policies that will give the world the impression that America is weak and divided.
* Declaring defeat even when we are winning.
* Stopping or reneging on free trade agreements with other countries, thus making the world view the United States less reliable.
* Allowing the teacher's unions to indoctrinate our children in liberalism and socialism in the guise of education.
* Expanding entitlement programs and the socialist re-distribution of wealth even those these programs have proven to be failures and bankrupt.
* Changing the definition of marriage and appointing liberal judges to set our social policy.
* Foist upon the hard-working, tax-paying Americans (the few that are left) the biggest tax increase in American history.

There are two things that have been firmly established in American politics over the last several years. First, these liberal Democrat polices have been rejected time and again by the American people; and second, the American people see the need for strong, experienced leadership in dealing with matters of foreign policy and international threats in today's world. This is no time for on-the-job-training!

To lead this effort, the Democrat Party apparently have nominated a man who keeps repeating, "Yes we can." A man who is the most liberal and one of the most inexperienced members of the United States Senate, a man who has never strayed from the official Democrat doctrine.

Well, America now knows what he means by "yes we can" and our response will be, "No We Wont!"