Thursday, January 11, 2007

War-Weary? Who Us?

MainStreamMedia is at it again. Convinced that ALL Americans are mind-numbed robots that will blindly accept their prescribed daily opinion, they are now telling us that we are “war-weary”. This is the latest buzz-word being used in the war on the War on Terror. Convinced that if we are told loud enough and long enough that we are “war-weary” then we will be “war-weary.”

There is no American that has any reason to be “war-weary”. How can we be “war-weary” when we have not been personally affected, in any significant way by the war. The exceptions, of course, are the military and their families who have proudly and willingly sacrificed more that we can ever know. The chattering class and their politician pets evoke the “war-weary American people" at every opportunity. Someone tell me how we, the people, can be “war-weary” when the most important thing in most of our daily lives is having the latest cell-phone gadget and the Rosie-Donald mud-fest? What have ‘we’ been asked to do? How many of the products that we buy are rationed? Is there a shortage of cars to buy because all the steel is being used for weapons? Are you unable to by a steak at a restaurant or super-market because the troops need to be fed? Can’t get a new set of tires because of a shortage of rubber? How in the world are we “war-weary”?

What an insult to our brave troops!