Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Senate Did What! ?

The complete hypocrisy and incoherence of the Senate Democrats, and a few cowardly Republicans, has moved from being comical to absurd and now downright dangerous. Last week, Lt. Gen David Petraeus came before the Senate Armed Services Committee for the obligatory audience before the gaggle of preening presidential pretenders, and posturing other Senators of lesser light, prior to his confirmation as the new commander of American forces in Iraq. A confirmation granted with a UNANIMOUS vote, by the way, from 81 Senators. (The other 19 presumably forgot to show up for work but still got paid.) This unanimous vote was for the man who was instrumental in formulating the “Surge” strategy they plan to vote against in a useless resolution this week. A resolution that is designed to do nothing but weaken the Commander-In-Chief at a time of war and, as Lt. Gen. Petraeus testified, will demoralize our troops and encourage the enemy.

Before this vote is taken, they should be aware of three interesting things that have occurred since the “surge” was announced in the State of the Union address by President Bush:

First, al-Qaida appears to be retreating from Bagdad.

Second, the radical cleric Moqtada al-Sadar (aka “Mookie” to our troops) is cooling his anti-American rhetoric and lowering his profile.

Third, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is distancing himself from “Mookie” and his Iranian-subsidized militia, the Mahdi army.

All this is happening with just the threat of a “surge.” Why will the Democrats, and a few cowardly Republicans, not give this plan a chance to work? Are they that afraid that it actually will? Hmmmmmm?