Thursday, January 11, 2007

Afraid We Might Win!

There is only one reason for the disgusting, albeit predictable, reaction of the liberal Democrats to President Bush's address to the nation about the war in Iraq. They are scared to death that we will win this war! Their political life has been threatened by the anti-war socialist left if they allow the United States to win the war. The same flacid bunch of noxious elitists that prevented victory in Viet Nam are the same faction that claims that they, and they alone, are responsible for the Democrat party taking the House and Senate in this year's mid-term election. Victory is not to be allowed under any circumstances for it would completely repudiate their whole reason for being.

For four years, the Democrats have thrown every roadblock in the path to victory. They have hobbled the presidency and military to such an extent that it is all but impossible to conduct successful military operations. Despite the bromides of supporting our troops, they are furious with them for not giving up and quitting. Our president and military are now fighting a mult-front war. One of them being here at home with leftist politicians and the obnoxious chattering class. If a tatic is working or, likely to, (Gitmo, terrorist surveillance, terrorist profiling), it must be abolished! Therefore, based on this contrarian theory and the howls coming from the lose-at-all-cost crowd, the President's new plan must be the right one for victory!