Friday, January 12, 2007

The Business of Hyprocisy As Usual

The much heralded, publicized and cooed-over hike in the federal minimum wage, the centerpiece of the new Dumbocrat controlled House of Reprobates, has now been passed and sent on to the Senate. But, as Rep. Patrick T. McHenry, NC Republican said, “There is something fishy going on here.”

The bill was touted, ad-nauseum by QeenBee Pelosi, as a raise for ALL Americans. It extends for the time to the U.S. territory of the Northern Mariana Islands. However, it EXEMPTS American Samoa, the only U.S. territory NOT subject to federal-minimum wage laws.

One of the biggest opponents of the federal minimum wage in Samoa is StarKist Tuna, which owns one of the two packing plants that together employ more than 5,000 Samoans, or nearly 75 percent of the island's work force. StarKist's parent company, Del Monte Corp., has headquarters in San Francisco, which is represented by Mrs. Pelosi, the San-Fransico Treat.

For all of you who voted for honesty and fairness in government, I got your honesty and fairness right here! Wallow in it! There is much more on the way!