Sunday, January 07, 2007

The Insult of Welfare Fraud

Welfare fraud, since FDR’s sainted New Deal, has cost us, the ones that actually pay taxes, billions and billions of dollars we earned, not the government. This fraud has been given the wink-and-a-nod treatment for years by elitist politicians and socialist liberals. It fits their agenda of the transfer of wealth from those who earn it to those who do not.

How many times have you waited in line at the grocery and observed the person ahead doling out food stamps for a cart loaded with steaks, brand-name products, cigarettes and beer while yapping on a cell phone and wearing designer labels? All while you, you poor schlub, wait to pay your hard-earned money on the store brand fare leaving the more expensive on the shelf. You can be certain that this “food stamp queen” will not leave the store and waddle out to the bus-stop. A late model vehicle, probably newer than yours, awaits for the luxury transport to the taxpayer provided housing.

If this ‘welfare recipient’ has money for cell phone service, designer clothes and an SUV, then way are we, the ones the money was confiscated from, having to endure the humiliation of watching this spectacle. If the new congress were serious about ethics reform then welfare reform would top the list.

Welfare assistance should be as originally conceived: a temporary helping hand to those unable, not unwilling, to meet the basic necessities. Big screen TVs, cell phones, cable / satellite TV and designer jeans are not basic necessities.

Stop the welfare fraud. It is an insult to hard-working Americans.