Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Senate Did What! ?

The complete hypocrisy and incoherence of the Senate Democrats, and a few cowardly Republicans, has moved from being comical to absurd and now downright dangerous. Last week, Lt. Gen David Petraeus came before the Senate Armed Services Committee for the obligatory audience before the gaggle of preening presidential pretenders, and posturing other Senators of lesser light, prior to his confirmation as the new commander of American forces in Iraq. A confirmation granted with a UNANIMOUS vote, by the way, from 81 Senators. (The other 19 presumably forgot to show up for work but still got paid.) This unanimous vote was for the man who was instrumental in formulating the “Surge” strategy they plan to vote against in a useless resolution this week. A resolution that is designed to do nothing but weaken the Commander-In-Chief at a time of war and, as Lt. Gen. Petraeus testified, will demoralize our troops and encourage the enemy.

Before this vote is taken, they should be aware of three interesting things that have occurred since the “surge” was announced in the State of the Union address by President Bush:

First, al-Qaida appears to be retreating from Bagdad.

Second, the radical cleric Moqtada al-Sadar (aka “Mookie” to our troops) is cooling his anti-American rhetoric and lowering his profile.

Third, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is distancing himself from “Mookie” and his Iranian-subsidized militia, the Mahdi army.

All this is happening with just the threat of a “surge.” Why will the Democrats, and a few cowardly Republicans, not give this plan a chance to work? Are they that afraid that it actually will? Hmmmmmm?

Friday, January 26, 2007

Withdraw Now !

The readers of my Blog will find this hard to believe: I have come to embrace the policy of immediate withdrawal! That’s right. I can no longer, in good conscience, tolerate the expenditure of lives and treasure in a situation that has no solution. The failed effort to bring order out of chaos in an area that has seen 3,606 American lives lost to acts of violence and 195,631 injured during the past four years is unacceptable. Therefore, I demand that the US Congressional leadership do everything in their power to affect an immediate and complete withdrawal of all Americans from and cut off all funding to this lost cause.

That’s right my fellow Americans, I demand that America withdraw from New York City!
(Statistics from the 9/2006 FBI release of the report on urban crime)

Friday, January 12, 2007

The Business of Hyprocisy As Usual

The much heralded, publicized and cooed-over hike in the federal minimum wage, the centerpiece of the new Dumbocrat controlled House of Reprobates, has now been passed and sent on to the Senate. But, as Rep. Patrick T. McHenry, NC Republican said, “There is something fishy going on here.”

The bill was touted, ad-nauseum by QeenBee Pelosi, as a raise for ALL Americans. It extends for the time to the U.S. territory of the Northern Mariana Islands. However, it EXEMPTS American Samoa, the only U.S. territory NOT subject to federal-minimum wage laws.

One of the biggest opponents of the federal minimum wage in Samoa is StarKist Tuna, which owns one of the two packing plants that together employ more than 5,000 Samoans, or nearly 75 percent of the island's work force. StarKist's parent company, Del Monte Corp., has headquarters in San Francisco, which is represented by Mrs. Pelosi, the San-Fransico Treat.

For all of you who voted for honesty and fairness in government, I got your honesty and fairness right here! Wallow in it! There is much more on the way!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

War-Weary? Who Us?

MainStreamMedia is at it again. Convinced that ALL Americans are mind-numbed robots that will blindly accept their prescribed daily opinion, they are now telling us that we are “war-weary”. This is the latest buzz-word being used in the war on the War on Terror. Convinced that if we are told loud enough and long enough that we are “war-weary” then we will be “war-weary.”

There is no American that has any reason to be “war-weary”. How can we be “war-weary” when we have not been personally affected, in any significant way by the war. The exceptions, of course, are the military and their families who have proudly and willingly sacrificed more that we can ever know. The chattering class and their politician pets evoke the “war-weary American people" at every opportunity. Someone tell me how we, the people, can be “war-weary” when the most important thing in most of our daily lives is having the latest cell-phone gadget and the Rosie-Donald mud-fest? What have ‘we’ been asked to do? How many of the products that we buy are rationed? Is there a shortage of cars to buy because all the steel is being used for weapons? Are you unable to by a steak at a restaurant or super-market because the troops need to be fed? Can’t get a new set of tires because of a shortage of rubber? How in the world are we “war-weary”?

What an insult to our brave troops!

Afraid We Might Win!

There is only one reason for the disgusting, albeit predictable, reaction of the liberal Democrats to President Bush's address to the nation about the war in Iraq. They are scared to death that we will win this war! Their political life has been threatened by the anti-war socialist left if they allow the United States to win the war. The same flacid bunch of noxious elitists that prevented victory in Viet Nam are the same faction that claims that they, and they alone, are responsible for the Democrat party taking the House and Senate in this year's mid-term election. Victory is not to be allowed under any circumstances for it would completely repudiate their whole reason for being.

For four years, the Democrats have thrown every roadblock in the path to victory. They have hobbled the presidency and military to such an extent that it is all but impossible to conduct successful military operations. Despite the bromides of supporting our troops, they are furious with them for not giving up and quitting. Our president and military are now fighting a mult-front war. One of them being here at home with leftist politicians and the obnoxious chattering class. If a tatic is working or, likely to, (Gitmo, terrorist surveillance, terrorist profiling), it must be abolished! Therefore, based on this contrarian theory and the howls coming from the lose-at-all-cost crowd, the President's new plan must be the right one for victory!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

The Insult of Welfare Fraud

Welfare fraud, since FDR’s sainted New Deal, has cost us, the ones that actually pay taxes, billions and billions of dollars we earned, not the government. This fraud has been given the wink-and-a-nod treatment for years by elitist politicians and socialist liberals. It fits their agenda of the transfer of wealth from those who earn it to those who do not.

How many times have you waited in line at the grocery and observed the person ahead doling out food stamps for a cart loaded with steaks, brand-name products, cigarettes and beer while yapping on a cell phone and wearing designer labels? All while you, you poor schlub, wait to pay your hard-earned money on the store brand fare leaving the more expensive on the shelf. You can be certain that this “food stamp queen” will not leave the store and waddle out to the bus-stop. A late model vehicle, probably newer than yours, awaits for the luxury transport to the taxpayer provided housing.

If this ‘welfare recipient’ has money for cell phone service, designer clothes and an SUV, then way are we, the ones the money was confiscated from, having to endure the humiliation of watching this spectacle. If the new congress were serious about ethics reform then welfare reform would top the list.

Welfare assistance should be as originally conceived: a temporary helping hand to those unable, not unwilling, to meet the basic necessities. Big screen TVs, cell phones, cable / satellite TV and designer jeans are not basic necessities.

Stop the welfare fraud. It is an insult to hard-working Americans.