Friday, December 25, 2009

MERRY CHRISTMAS - delightfully politically incorrect!

Merry Christmas to each of you and your families.  I say Merry Christmas, first and foremost in the manner in which it is intended.  A warm heartfelt greeting and wish for your well being as bestowed upon our souls from God who gave them and celebration of the birth of His presence on earth...Jesus Christ.

I also say Merry Christmas as sign of my defiance to the unholy horde who purport to rule this country because the mere mention of those two words does so irk them!  I am sorry, it should not be that way...but it is what it is. 

America has reached a crossroads.  We either adhere to the values and great moral principles upon which this country was founded, and thereby continue to thrive and prosper; or we slide deeper and deeper into the deadly bog of 'diversity', 'political correctness', 'social justice' and forced dependency that demands the rejection of all that is good, true and just, and perish. We must return to the principles as taught in the Sacred Volume (for most of us, The Holy Bible)  we receive as the rule and guide of our daily lives. 

We are currently ruled by thieves and criminals hell-bent on destroying the country given us, earned by the blood, sweat, tears and treasure of our past and greatest generations.  We the "baby-boomers" let this happen.  Spoiled, demanding, arrogant and blissfully ignorant, we have let the government be taken over by those inherently dangerous and unfit to lead, but now have the power.  We have sat around and tut-tutted and rolled our eyes at the corruption and power grabs of our politicians then go out and buy the latest usless toy waved in front of our eyes without another thought about what is being done to us.

It is our time, albeit past due, to take up the mantle and reponsibility of keeping America free and growing.  Our brave troops are doing that abroad.  It is our responsibility ... no, duty, to fight just as hard here at home. 

Entire generations have succumbed to the siren song of the 'free-lunch of welfare' mentality and we (the ones who actually pay taxes) have provided it out of a manufactured sense of guilt foisted upon us by the people who believe in the re-distrubution of wealth. Unending welfare breeds unending hopeless dependency. Liberals promote welfare, not out of a sense of compassion, but as a means of maintaining power over people. This must end!  Responsibility, accountability and work ethic must be restored.  When help is deserved, it will be given . . . but not in perpetuity!  A 'hand up' . . . not a 'hand-out.'

The holiday period between Christmas and the New Year traditionally is a time of reflection on the past year and the making of resolutions of amendment for the coming year.  I urge all patriotic 'real' Americans to seriously reflect on how we got into this mess and whole-heartedly resolve to amend our present condition in 2010.  This means much more than the ususal "tut-tutting!" This means a very pro-active and un-relenting push to re-take the greatest country on earth ... our country... back from brink of destruction by the cleptocrats, theives and idiots now in control. 

November 2, 2010 is the day of reckoning.  This election will be the most important in our history.  Here we draw the line in the sand and halt this destructive downhill slide into socialism, dependency and despair facing us. On this day we can re-take control of the House of Reprobates and the Senate and start the process of  righting our badly listing ship of state.  To continue the maritime metaphor, we must pump the putrid bilge from Washington, affect the necessary repairs to our battered hull and, once again, sail proudly upon the seas of history.

We all all angry now! Angry at what we see happening in our Capitol. The lies, corruption, back room deals and complete disregard, and somtimes outright disparagement, of "We the People."  In 2010, let us reslove to maintain that anger and turn it into a force, never before seen, at the polls that will sweep clean the halls of power of the dispicable creatures which now inhabit them.  Channel this anger to the ends of restoring power to men and women of good and noble character.  These men and women are out there. We are not alone.  Find them, support them, work for them this coming year.  Donations are one thing and are necessary, but we need to do much more.  Educate your circle of friends, enlist them in the casue and get them and thier friends to the polls. One begets two; two begets four to create an exponential tsunami washing away the vermin infesting the halls of power.  Constantly write, talk and communicate the values of freedom, liberty, and fiscal and personal responsibility that is sorely missing in Washington today and must be restored.

A revolution is coming and we are the foot soldiers.  Read the history (the real history, not what is taught in our schools) of the untrained, uneducated rabble lead by the likes of George Washington who, despite all odds, won our freedom and created the greatest country in history.  We are much better equiped for our battle than they, except for one thing ... heart!  We must have that firey heart that drove the original patrioits to risk all and more for the radical idea of freedom and self-rule.  That firey heart is within us.  We feel it rising, burning, getting stronger everyday.  We must fan these flames, maintain the anger and turn it into action. 

I do hereby reslove to do just that.  Join me in the Second American Revolution.  Return America to its rightful place among the shining jewels of human history and banish, forever, from power the ones who would do otherwise.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

The Tennessee Conservative