Sunday, December 20, 2009

I Fear For My Country

I am now officially afraid.  With the passage of TARP at the end of the Bush administration, I was concerned.  With the election of the temporary current occupant of the White House, I was disturbed. With the passage of the so-called 'Stimulus Bill', I was worried.  Now, with the looming passage of a bill to take over 1/6th of a free-enterprise economy, I am afraid and on the verge of terrorized!

I am afraid we are losing the heart and soul that made America unique in human history.  Oh, this did not happen in a flash with the election of the temporary occupant of the White House, it has been incremental for the past half-century or better, just as planned by the Left.

Watching the freak show in Copenhagen last week, I was alternately furious and filled with dread.  Promises from Secretary of State Clinton that the US will help fund a fund to transfer $100 billion a year to third world countries out of some misguided 'climate guilt' is just one of the lunatic activities of the global leftists.  The world has gone absolutely bonkers and the lunatics are in charge of the asylum!

Need more proof?  Mugabe and Chavez are treated with respect and the United Nations is serious about wanting to regulate OUR industry and transfer OUR wealth to kleptocrats and genocidal maniacs. 

Even more frightening, our own leaders (and I use the term loosely) joined the circus. We seem to have a Congressional majority and a temporary occupant of the White House amenable to this idea. Marching to the beat of international drummers, they uncoupled themselves from the 'will of the people' they were elected to serve.

Many of those who voted for the temporary occupant of the White House now regard his campaign  as a sly bait-and-switch operation, promising one thing and delivering another.  (We, the rational, tried to warn the country but to no avail.)  Equally surprising to Obamaites, is that he has become an insufferable bore.  The grace and charm channeled from the teleprompter have vanished.  His default emotions are peevishness and petty spite ("Don't think we are not keeping score, brother.")

His much hyped rhetorical gift of teleprompter reading now serve his loathsome habit of fear-mongering.  "Time is running out," he says over and again. He said it on health care, on the stimulus, in Copenhagen, on Iran.  Chicken Little has a new avatar.

His assertion we will go bankrupt unless Congress immediately adopts the health montrosity, cooking in Harry Reid's caludron, marks a new low.  At least it did until he barged into a meeting, uninvited, in Copenhagen to insult the Chinese with the same 'do-it-now' arrogance on carbon emmissions.  Just how did that work out for you, B. Hussein?

Washington has its own freak show and is more dangerous than the preening and posturing done by wannabe world leaders jockeying for camera angels in the middle of a blizzard ironically hyping global warming.  No person of rational mind could possibly support a federal takeover of the massive health system.  But, it is now apparent, we are not represented by rational minds. 

In fact, it is a myth the fight is over health care at all.  Carefully concealed and orchestrated, it is a vulger power dispute between anti-capitalist liberals and extreme anti-capitalist liberals, with health care a convenient stalking horse for a socialist command-and-control of 17 percent of the our economy.  Whatever it's definately not reform!

The still rational public intuitively understands the con-game being played, which is why it prefers the flawed status quo.  Voters tell pollsters, by as much as 3-to-1, they think a federal takeover will cost them and the country more money and will produce more red tape instead of better care.

Yet, because power corrupts, and one-party rule corrupts absolutely, dissenters are considered heretics and persecuted thusly.....until the next election!

Mother Nature seems to have delivered her  verdict on all this non-sense with a providentially epic blizzard in Washington.  We can now say, with certitude, hell has frozen over!