Saturday, December 19, 2009

The 'Crisis-Monger' In-Chief

Barack Hussein Obama, the temporary occupant of the White House, grimly warned America this week that if HIS health care plans fail, the nation will go "bankrupt."  The sheer lunacy of this statement is only exceeded by its audacity.  He has already bankrupted the country!

Sure, adding another trillion dollar entitlement program to the credit-card bill B. Hussein has already run up may seem counterintuitive to staving off economic ruin, but who are we, the poor schlups who have to pay for it, to argue?  Don't we know this man is the smartest who has ever, or will, live.  If you do not believe it, just ask him!

As is the case with just about every issue raised, B. Hussein adorned his rhetoric with sharp warnings of calamity should he fail; fabricated consensus to buttress his case and a promise of rapture should he succeed.  Uuh-boy!

You'll remember it was B. Hussein who cautioned that failure to pass the stimulus boondoggle (aka the 'bribe-a-congressman' fund) would "turn a crisis into a catastrophe." He claimed that a failure to act on cap and trade (aka: crap and tax) will lead us to "irreversible catastrophe" and that a failure to pass a government-run health care system will mean "more Americans dying every day." 

Chicken Little now occupies the White House.  The sky is falling twice a day, it seems. 

Of course, IF you believe the bilge spewing from the White House (wonder when Michelle O will change the name), everyone -- and I mean everyone -- agrees with the presidential pretender.  B. Hussein stressed this week that can "talk to every health care economist out there (not 'some' or 'most' but 'every') and they will tell you that ... whatever ideas exist in terms of bending the cost curve and starting to reduce costs for families, businesses and government, those elements are in this bill."  Hell!  We have not even seen the bill yet.  How do we know? Oh, silly me, we know because O told us so.  And if you don't believe him?  As he told a recalcitrant Democrat congress-critter the other day, "Don't think we are not keeping score, brother!"

Guess he kinda missed the 200 economists from major universities, found by the Cato Institute, across the country who does disagree with his health care claims --  and juding from the stimulus plan's impressive impotence, perhaps the temporary occupant of the White House should have lent them an ear.

So when B. Hussein says that "whatever ideas exixt" to help with cost are featured inthe health care bill, let's chalk it up to his propensity to exaggerate, embellish ... oh hell, he just outright LIES!

There are several ideas supported by a Republican lawmakers who have been completely shut out of the sausage making process.  Among them are:

*  Re-importation of pharmaceuticals
*  Making premiums paid by individuals and families tax-deductiable
*  Medical malpractice tort reform
*  Allowing the sale of insurance across state lines and protability of coverage.

Just some of the ideas the DO NO exixt in the current bill written in secret and never to be seen until voted on.

Obama's fondness for creating imaginary consensus and offering false choices to the American people has been something to behold ... and must come to and end!

The temporary occupant is right about one thing...a catastrophy did occur.  It happened on the second Tuesday of November in 2008.