Thursday, December 24, 2009

Don't Tell Me What Is Best For Me!

I know I am not alone in my irritation (quickly turning to rage) of being told by people who could screw up a one-car parade what is best for me and to shut up and do what I am told.  Didn't like it as a kid ... and really do not like it now! Especially by the likes of Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and the temporary occupant of the White House, what's-his-name!

In their ideal world, everyone lives in abject poverty and stands in long lines, but we all live in the same abject poverty and stand in the same long lines -- (Except themselves.  who get excellent health care, food, housing, maid service and no lines.)

The bald-faced audacity of this cleptocracy is brewing a backlash that has not been seen since England's King George treated us the same way.  Just saying....

The American people have been chaffing at this attitude from our self-annoited betters for a long time.  It is with this Health Care Bill (a misnomer in that this is a thinly veild power-grab) is the catalyst that will make 1776 look like a Tea-Party!

The 'know better than the average voter, and more government is the answer to all issues' crowd (ie, Democrats) are pusing this unwanted legislation to implement their beliefs;  not those of the people they represent.  The polls cannot be ignored on this issue, no matter how hard Congress tries.

The temporary occupant of the White House is declaring 'victory.' "Health Care (socialism) reform is not a matter of if," said White House designated idiot / press secretary Robert Gibbs, "health care reform is a matter of when."  (So is the next election!)

When the House sent the Health Care  Bill to the Senate, the final vote included 176 Republicans and 39 Democrats voting no ... and one Republican voting yes.  Nancy Pelosi, in full botox and perpetually delusional, declared this a bi-partisian victory.  What a colossal jewel  of ignorance, she is!

What words in the U.S. Constitution allow the federal government to compel every American to purchase health insurance? Where does the Constitution allow the federal government to take money from some Americans and give it to others so that they may purchase health insurance?

Recall the anger at former President George W. Bush, who, to fight the war on terror, "trashed" and "shredded" the Constitution. The same people who railed against the Patriot Act, the terror surveillance program and "illegal" torture happily unleash the power of the federal government to redistribute wealth for ObamaCare, a socially desirable objective. Never mind the absence of authority in the Constitution.

The left tells us that "health care is a right, not a privilege." Surely the Constitution says so. No, it does not. Article I, Section 8 details the limited power, duties and responsibilities of the federal government. Extracting money from your paycheck and giving it back to you when you retire -- Social Security? Not there. Taxing workers to pay for the health care of seniors -- Medicare? Not there. Mandating that employers pay workers a minimum wage? Not there.

Folks, we MUST re-take control of the ayslum and send these overt socialists packing!  Get Up -- Get Out -- Get Mad and Get Involved in November 2010!