Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Democrat Congressional Creed – “Ubi Est Mea”

For those of us who were fortunate to attend public schools when they actually taught something, you will understand the title of this piece. For those who are product of the U.S. Department of Education, you may need some help.

"Ubi Est Mea?” is Latin (a lost language, as English is fast becoming) and the English translation is: “Where’s Mine?”

The late columnist from Chicago, Mike Royko, used this phrase a few years ago to describe Chicago politics. It is relevant today since the Chicago brand of politics has been fully implemented in the Congress of the United States. This is ample proof the only good thing to come out of Chicago is the pizza.

Bribery and extortion has been the ‘dirty little secret’ in Congress for some time and discreetly practiced by both parties to some extent. However, it has never been so blatant, in-your-face and arrogantly defended as now by the Democrats who are temporarily the majority party.

Some of the more egregious contemporary examples from the Health Care Cash-for-Cloture Bill are as follows:

“The Louisiana Purchase, circa 2009" – The reported $100 million in extra Medicaid money secured for the state by Democrat Senator Mary Landrieu to purchase her vote for the Senate Health Care train wreck. Not the least bit chagrinned by her extortion, she had to rub salt in the wound of the rest of the country and boast that she actually extorted $300 million from the rest of us for the welfare capital state of the nation.

“The Cornhusker Kickback” – A similar bribe/extortion for the pivotal vote of Democrat Senator Max Baucus of $100 million (the first year) and an exemption for Nebraska from having to pay increased Medicaid costs resulting from the Health Care bill – FOREVER! This is the same Senator who showed up drunk as a skunk on the Senate floor recently berating the Republicans for opposing the bribery and extortion of the Health Care Bill (

“The U Con” – Here is $100 million for Connecticut extorted by Democrat Senator Chris Dodd (of the Kennedy/Dodd Waitress Sandwich fame) for a medical center at the University of Conn. Three guesses who it will be named after!

These are only three of the more public bribes and extortions larded up in this bill. It is still early, the damn thing is over 2,400 pages long and the footnotes are still being written therefore this number will surely grow!

The HC Bill, in all its monstrous glory, sired by the cadaverous Harry Reid made it out of the Senate and is now headed for the unholy union with the 'Spawn of Pelosi' in the House-Senate Conference. This is where honor and virtue magically appear and upright Senators and Congress-critters will strip out all the offending items forthwith.

Yea right! It is more likely a healthy dose of Ex-Lax curing cancer. What is more likely? More lawmakers extorting billions more of other people’s (yours and mine) money for their states.

Why do I say this? Simple – there are many more than three crooks in Congress. Just read the response from Senate Majority Leader Democrat Harry Reid when asked about all the pay-offs contained in his bill: “I don’t know if there is a senator that doesn’t have something in this bill that was important to them. And if they don’t have something in it important to them, then it doesn’t speak well of them.”

In other words, in the Democrat's world, a senator is not doing his or her job if they are not extorting and accepting bribes for their votes. Only in Congress is bribery and extortion not considered illegal by the perpetrators.

“Ubi Est Mea” – “Where’s mine!”  -- No longer whispered in the cloak room, but now shouted out loud in the halls!