Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Democrat Congressional Creed – “Ubi Est Mea”

For those of us who were fortunate to attend public schools when they actually taught something, you will understand the title of this piece. For those who are product of the U.S. Department of Education, you may need some help.

"Ubi Est Mea?” is Latin (a lost language, as English is fast becoming) and the English translation is: “Where’s Mine?”

The late columnist from Chicago, Mike Royko, used this phrase a few years ago to describe Chicago politics. It is relevant today since the Chicago brand of politics has been fully implemented in the Congress of the United States. This is ample proof the only good thing to come out of Chicago is the pizza.

Bribery and extortion has been the ‘dirty little secret’ in Congress for some time and discreetly practiced by both parties to some extent. However, it has never been so blatant, in-your-face and arrogantly defended as now by the Democrats who are temporarily the majority party.

Some of the more egregious contemporary examples from the Health Care Cash-for-Cloture Bill are as follows:

“The Louisiana Purchase, circa 2009" – The reported $100 million in extra Medicaid money secured for the state by Democrat Senator Mary Landrieu to purchase her vote for the Senate Health Care train wreck. Not the least bit chagrinned by her extortion, she had to rub salt in the wound of the rest of the country and boast that she actually extorted $300 million from the rest of us for the welfare capital state of the nation.

“The Cornhusker Kickback” – A similar bribe/extortion for the pivotal vote of Democrat Senator Max Baucus of $100 million (the first year) and an exemption for Nebraska from having to pay increased Medicaid costs resulting from the Health Care bill – FOREVER! This is the same Senator who showed up drunk as a skunk on the Senate floor recently berating the Republicans for opposing the bribery and extortion of the Health Care Bill (

“The U Con” – Here is $100 million for Connecticut extorted by Democrat Senator Chris Dodd (of the Kennedy/Dodd Waitress Sandwich fame) for a medical center at the University of Conn. Three guesses who it will be named after!

These are only three of the more public bribes and extortions larded up in this bill. It is still early, the damn thing is over 2,400 pages long and the footnotes are still being written therefore this number will surely grow!

The HC Bill, in all its monstrous glory, sired by the cadaverous Harry Reid made it out of the Senate and is now headed for the unholy union with the 'Spawn of Pelosi' in the House-Senate Conference. This is where honor and virtue magically appear and upright Senators and Congress-critters will strip out all the offending items forthwith.

Yea right! It is more likely a healthy dose of Ex-Lax curing cancer. What is more likely? More lawmakers extorting billions more of other people’s (yours and mine) money for their states.

Why do I say this? Simple – there are many more than three crooks in Congress. Just read the response from Senate Majority Leader Democrat Harry Reid when asked about all the pay-offs contained in his bill: “I don’t know if there is a senator that doesn’t have something in this bill that was important to them. And if they don’t have something in it important to them, then it doesn’t speak well of them.”

In other words, in the Democrat's world, a senator is not doing his or her job if they are not extorting and accepting bribes for their votes. Only in Congress is bribery and extortion not considered illegal by the perpetrators.

“Ubi Est Mea” – “Where’s mine!”  -- No longer whispered in the cloak room, but now shouted out loud in the halls!

Democrat Senator Max Baucus Drunk on Senate Floor

This is the idiot in charge of the Senate Finance Committee and wants to run (ruin) our lives. He is also one of the main characters who wrote the Senate Health Care rationing bill.

Remeber this link for the 2010 campaign!

Can you just imagine if this had been a Republican Senator?  This would be running on an endless loop on MSM.

The Tennessee Conservative

Friday, December 25, 2009

MERRY CHRISTMAS - delightfully politically incorrect!

Merry Christmas to each of you and your families.  I say Merry Christmas, first and foremost in the manner in which it is intended.  A warm heartfelt greeting and wish for your well being as bestowed upon our souls from God who gave them and celebration of the birth of His presence on earth...Jesus Christ.

I also say Merry Christmas as sign of my defiance to the unholy horde who purport to rule this country because the mere mention of those two words does so irk them!  I am sorry, it should not be that way...but it is what it is. 

America has reached a crossroads.  We either adhere to the values and great moral principles upon which this country was founded, and thereby continue to thrive and prosper; or we slide deeper and deeper into the deadly bog of 'diversity', 'political correctness', 'social justice' and forced dependency that demands the rejection of all that is good, true and just, and perish. We must return to the principles as taught in the Sacred Volume (for most of us, The Holy Bible)  we receive as the rule and guide of our daily lives. 

We are currently ruled by thieves and criminals hell-bent on destroying the country given us, earned by the blood, sweat, tears and treasure of our past and greatest generations.  We the "baby-boomers" let this happen.  Spoiled, demanding, arrogant and blissfully ignorant, we have let the government be taken over by those inherently dangerous and unfit to lead, but now have the power.  We have sat around and tut-tutted and rolled our eyes at the corruption and power grabs of our politicians then go out and buy the latest usless toy waved in front of our eyes without another thought about what is being done to us.

It is our time, albeit past due, to take up the mantle and reponsibility of keeping America free and growing.  Our brave troops are doing that abroad.  It is our responsibility ... no, duty, to fight just as hard here at home. 

Entire generations have succumbed to the siren song of the 'free-lunch of welfare' mentality and we (the ones who actually pay taxes) have provided it out of a manufactured sense of guilt foisted upon us by the people who believe in the re-distrubution of wealth. Unending welfare breeds unending hopeless dependency. Liberals promote welfare, not out of a sense of compassion, but as a means of maintaining power over people. This must end!  Responsibility, accountability and work ethic must be restored.  When help is deserved, it will be given . . . but not in perpetuity!  A 'hand up' . . . not a 'hand-out.'

The holiday period between Christmas and the New Year traditionally is a time of reflection on the past year and the making of resolutions of amendment for the coming year.  I urge all patriotic 'real' Americans to seriously reflect on how we got into this mess and whole-heartedly resolve to amend our present condition in 2010.  This means much more than the ususal "tut-tutting!" This means a very pro-active and un-relenting push to re-take the greatest country on earth ... our country... back from brink of destruction by the cleptocrats, theives and idiots now in control. 

November 2, 2010 is the day of reckoning.  This election will be the most important in our history.  Here we draw the line in the sand and halt this destructive downhill slide into socialism, dependency and despair facing us. On this day we can re-take control of the House of Reprobates and the Senate and start the process of  righting our badly listing ship of state.  To continue the maritime metaphor, we must pump the putrid bilge from Washington, affect the necessary repairs to our battered hull and, once again, sail proudly upon the seas of history.

We all all angry now! Angry at what we see happening in our Capitol. The lies, corruption, back room deals and complete disregard, and somtimes outright disparagement, of "We the People."  In 2010, let us reslove to maintain that anger and turn it into a force, never before seen, at the polls that will sweep clean the halls of power of the dispicable creatures which now inhabit them.  Channel this anger to the ends of restoring power to men and women of good and noble character.  These men and women are out there. We are not alone.  Find them, support them, work for them this coming year.  Donations are one thing and are necessary, but we need to do much more.  Educate your circle of friends, enlist them in the casue and get them and thier friends to the polls. One begets two; two begets four to create an exponential tsunami washing away the vermin infesting the halls of power.  Constantly write, talk and communicate the values of freedom, liberty, and fiscal and personal responsibility that is sorely missing in Washington today and must be restored.

A revolution is coming and we are the foot soldiers.  Read the history (the real history, not what is taught in our schools) of the untrained, uneducated rabble lead by the likes of George Washington who, despite all odds, won our freedom and created the greatest country in history.  We are much better equiped for our battle than they, except for one thing ... heart!  We must have that firey heart that drove the original patrioits to risk all and more for the radical idea of freedom and self-rule.  That firey heart is within us.  We feel it rising, burning, getting stronger everyday.  We must fan these flames, maintain the anger and turn it into action. 

I do hereby reslove to do just that.  Join me in the Second American Revolution.  Return America to its rightful place among the shining jewels of human history and banish, forever, from power the ones who would do otherwise.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

The Tennessee Conservative

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Don't Tell Me What Is Best For Me!

I know I am not alone in my irritation (quickly turning to rage) of being told by people who could screw up a one-car parade what is best for me and to shut up and do what I am told.  Didn't like it as a kid ... and really do not like it now! Especially by the likes of Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and the temporary occupant of the White House, what's-his-name!

In their ideal world, everyone lives in abject poverty and stands in long lines, but we all live in the same abject poverty and stand in the same long lines -- (Except themselves.  who get excellent health care, food, housing, maid service and no lines.)

The bald-faced audacity of this cleptocracy is brewing a backlash that has not been seen since England's King George treated us the same way.  Just saying....

The American people have been chaffing at this attitude from our self-annoited betters for a long time.  It is with this Health Care Bill (a misnomer in that this is a thinly veild power-grab) is the catalyst that will make 1776 look like a Tea-Party!

The 'know better than the average voter, and more government is the answer to all issues' crowd (ie, Democrats) are pusing this unwanted legislation to implement their beliefs;  not those of the people they represent.  The polls cannot be ignored on this issue, no matter how hard Congress tries.

The temporary occupant of the White House is declaring 'victory.' "Health Care (socialism) reform is not a matter of if," said White House designated idiot / press secretary Robert Gibbs, "health care reform is a matter of when."  (So is the next election!)

When the House sent the Health Care  Bill to the Senate, the final vote included 176 Republicans and 39 Democrats voting no ... and one Republican voting yes.  Nancy Pelosi, in full botox and perpetually delusional, declared this a bi-partisian victory.  What a colossal jewel  of ignorance, she is!

What words in the U.S. Constitution allow the federal government to compel every American to purchase health insurance? Where does the Constitution allow the federal government to take money from some Americans and give it to others so that they may purchase health insurance?

Recall the anger at former President George W. Bush, who, to fight the war on terror, "trashed" and "shredded" the Constitution. The same people who railed against the Patriot Act, the terror surveillance program and "illegal" torture happily unleash the power of the federal government to redistribute wealth for ObamaCare, a socially desirable objective. Never mind the absence of authority in the Constitution.

The left tells us that "health care is a right, not a privilege." Surely the Constitution says so. No, it does not. Article I, Section 8 details the limited power, duties and responsibilities of the federal government. Extracting money from your paycheck and giving it back to you when you retire -- Social Security? Not there. Taxing workers to pay for the health care of seniors -- Medicare? Not there. Mandating that employers pay workers a minimum wage? Not there.

Folks, we MUST re-take control of the ayslum and send these overt socialists packing!  Get Up -- Get Out -- Get Mad and Get Involved in November 2010!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Constitutional Legal Challenges Looming for ObamaCare

Organizations and congress-critters are lawyering-up to field constitutional challenges to Obama-Care if it survives the sausage making of the House/Senate conference and makes its way to the desk of the temporary occupant of the White House.

The two key issues they are targeting are:

1. A mandate for individuals to purchase health insurance and;

2. The special treatment that states like Nebraska are getting in the bill.

Senator John Ensign, R-NV has called for an examination the constitutionality of whether the federal can require Americans to purchase a product.

“I don’t believe Congress has the legal or moral authority to force this mandate on its citizens,” Ensign said in a statement, raising what’s known as a “constitutional point of order.” Procedural challenges such as this are rare and typically lead to a vote. This will force the Democrats to publicly state which side of the constitution they are on, something they do not wish to do.

Groups such as the non-profit Fund for Personal Liberty, as well as a Virginia-based group called the 10th Amendment Foundation, already have threatened to file suit in federal court over this issue if the health care bill passes.

The Constitution allows, among other things, Congress to tax, borrow, spend, declare war, raise an army and regulate commerce.

"I personally do not believe the Congress has the authority to enact an individual mandate requiring a person to purchase a product from a private seller," said Kent Masterson Brown, lead counsel with The Fund for Personal Liberty. "I don't think the power is there. This is not regulating anything." "This thing may be stillborn, even if it passes," he said.

Even though Obama argues that the mandate is similar to laws requiring drivers to obtain auto insurance, opponents cite several key differences. First, the auto insurance mandate is avoidable, since anyone who doesn't want to pay doesn't have to drive. Second, auto insurance is mandated in large part so that drivers carry liability insurance to cover damages to other people and cars -- not themselves. Third, auto insurance regulation occurs at the state level.

Other legal objections are emerging in the wake of a concession that Sen. Ben Nelson, D-Neb., won for his state as a condition for his support of the health care bill. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid agreed to provide for full and permanent federal aid for Nebraska's expanded Medicaid population. It was only one of a slew of hand-crafted sweetheart deals for those senators who agreed to support the bill.

But the Nelson deal swiftly drew the ire of Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., who has asked his state's attorney general to give the issue a legal review. He told Fox News on Tuesday that other states can probably bring a "constitutional challenge" over the issue. He said it's unfair for one state to get special treatment while others pick up the tab.

"I don't believe most senators believe this is OK," Graham said. "I think it stinks. I think it's sleazy."

Graham said his state could file an equal rights suit under the Constitution. The Constitution calls for "equal protection" of all citizens.

Likewise, two Republican state representatives from Tennessee on Monday asked their state attorney general to look into the issue -- they called the Medicaid expansion an "unfunded mandate."

Rep. Debra Young Maggart and Rep. Susan Lynn claimed the Nebraska deal was unfair to other states and asked that Attorney General Robert Cooper take "appropriate legal action" against the federal government if the bill becomes law.

"It is clear by the wording of the legislation itself that not every state would face a similar and equal burden," they wrote. "We see this as a violation of equal protection of the law, an affront to our sovereignty, and a breach of the U.S. Constitution."

The non-profit Liberty Legal Institute is poised to assist states that are considering filing suit against the government over the health care bill. The group would not disclose where the suits might come from, but claimed great interest in putting health care reform to the legal test.

"There are a lot of states that are concerned that this violated the 10th Amendment and they are weighing their options," Kelly Shackelford, chief counsel, said in a statement.

The 10th Amendment declares that powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution are "reserved" for the states or "the people."

Still another challenge is coming from Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., who on the Senate floor raised concerns about a section in the health care bill that appears to say that the Senate cannot make changes to it in the future.

"It shall not be in order in the Senate or the House of Representatives to consider any bill, resolution, amendment, or conference report that would repeal or otherwise change this subsection," the section says.

DeMint said he found that "particularly troubling."

"We will be passing a new law and at the same time creating a Senate rule that makes it out of order to amend or even repeal the law," DeMint said. "I'm not even sure that it's constitutional."

It is time to us to take back control of our country.  The 2010 elections are the key.  But we must keep unrelenting pressure on our lawmakers until it is time to vote them out and get "real Americans" in their place.  Get mad - stay mad - vote and take a friend with you!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

I Fear For My Country

I am now officially afraid.  With the passage of TARP at the end of the Bush administration, I was concerned.  With the election of the temporary current occupant of the White House, I was disturbed. With the passage of the so-called 'Stimulus Bill', I was worried.  Now, with the looming passage of a bill to take over 1/6th of a free-enterprise economy, I am afraid and on the verge of terrorized!

I am afraid we are losing the heart and soul that made America unique in human history.  Oh, this did not happen in a flash with the election of the temporary occupant of the White House, it has been incremental for the past half-century or better, just as planned by the Left.

Watching the freak show in Copenhagen last week, I was alternately furious and filled with dread.  Promises from Secretary of State Clinton that the US will help fund a fund to transfer $100 billion a year to third world countries out of some misguided 'climate guilt' is just one of the lunatic activities of the global leftists.  The world has gone absolutely bonkers and the lunatics are in charge of the asylum!

Need more proof?  Mugabe and Chavez are treated with respect and the United Nations is serious about wanting to regulate OUR industry and transfer OUR wealth to kleptocrats and genocidal maniacs. 

Even more frightening, our own leaders (and I use the term loosely) joined the circus. We seem to have a Congressional majority and a temporary occupant of the White House amenable to this idea. Marching to the beat of international drummers, they uncoupled themselves from the 'will of the people' they were elected to serve.

Many of those who voted for the temporary occupant of the White House now regard his campaign  as a sly bait-and-switch operation, promising one thing and delivering another.  (We, the rational, tried to warn the country but to no avail.)  Equally surprising to Obamaites, is that he has become an insufferable bore.  The grace and charm channeled from the teleprompter have vanished.  His default emotions are peevishness and petty spite ("Don't think we are not keeping score, brother.")

His much hyped rhetorical gift of teleprompter reading now serve his loathsome habit of fear-mongering.  "Time is running out," he says over and again. He said it on health care, on the stimulus, in Copenhagen, on Iran.  Chicken Little has a new avatar.

His assertion we will go bankrupt unless Congress immediately adopts the health montrosity, cooking in Harry Reid's caludron, marks a new low.  At least it did until he barged into a meeting, uninvited, in Copenhagen to insult the Chinese with the same 'do-it-now' arrogance on carbon emmissions.  Just how did that work out for you, B. Hussein?

Washington has its own freak show and is more dangerous than the preening and posturing done by wannabe world leaders jockeying for camera angels in the middle of a blizzard ironically hyping global warming.  No person of rational mind could possibly support a federal takeover of the massive health system.  But, it is now apparent, we are not represented by rational minds. 

In fact, it is a myth the fight is over health care at all.  Carefully concealed and orchestrated, it is a vulger power dispute between anti-capitalist liberals and extreme anti-capitalist liberals, with health care a convenient stalking horse for a socialist command-and-control of 17 percent of the our economy.  Whatever it's definately not reform!

The still rational public intuitively understands the con-game being played, which is why it prefers the flawed status quo.  Voters tell pollsters, by as much as 3-to-1, they think a federal takeover will cost them and the country more money and will produce more red tape instead of better care.

Yet, because power corrupts, and one-party rule corrupts absolutely, dissenters are considered heretics and persecuted thusly.....until the next election!

Mother Nature seems to have delivered her  verdict on all this non-sense with a providentially epic blizzard in Washington.  We can now say, with certitude, hell has frozen over!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The 'Crisis-Monger' In-Chief

Barack Hussein Obama, the temporary occupant of the White House, grimly warned America this week that if HIS health care plans fail, the nation will go "bankrupt."  The sheer lunacy of this statement is only exceeded by its audacity.  He has already bankrupted the country!

Sure, adding another trillion dollar entitlement program to the credit-card bill B. Hussein has already run up may seem counterintuitive to staving off economic ruin, but who are we, the poor schlups who have to pay for it, to argue?  Don't we know this man is the smartest who has ever, or will, live.  If you do not believe it, just ask him!

As is the case with just about every issue raised, B. Hussein adorned his rhetoric with sharp warnings of calamity should he fail; fabricated consensus to buttress his case and a promise of rapture should he succeed.  Uuh-boy!

You'll remember it was B. Hussein who cautioned that failure to pass the stimulus boondoggle (aka the 'bribe-a-congressman' fund) would "turn a crisis into a catastrophe." He claimed that a failure to act on cap and trade (aka: crap and tax) will lead us to "irreversible catastrophe" and that a failure to pass a government-run health care system will mean "more Americans dying every day." 

Chicken Little now occupies the White House.  The sky is falling twice a day, it seems. 

Of course, IF you believe the bilge spewing from the White House (wonder when Michelle O will change the name), everyone -- and I mean everyone -- agrees with the presidential pretender.  B. Hussein stressed this week that can "talk to every health care economist out there (not 'some' or 'most' but 'every') and they will tell you that ... whatever ideas exist in terms of bending the cost curve and starting to reduce costs for families, businesses and government, those elements are in this bill."  Hell!  We have not even seen the bill yet.  How do we know? Oh, silly me, we know because O told us so.  And if you don't believe him?  As he told a recalcitrant Democrat congress-critter the other day, "Don't think we are not keeping score, brother!"

Guess he kinda missed the 200 economists from major universities, found by the Cato Institute, across the country who does disagree with his health care claims --  and juding from the stimulus plan's impressive impotence, perhaps the temporary occupant of the White House should have lent them an ear.

So when B. Hussein says that "whatever ideas exixt" to help with cost are featured inthe health care bill, let's chalk it up to his propensity to exaggerate, embellish ... oh hell, he just outright LIES!

There are several ideas supported by a Republican lawmakers who have been completely shut out of the sausage making process.  Among them are:

*  Re-importation of pharmaceuticals
*  Making premiums paid by individuals and families tax-deductiable
*  Medical malpractice tort reform
*  Allowing the sale of insurance across state lines and protability of coverage.

Just some of the ideas the DO NO exixt in the current bill written in secret and never to be seen until voted on.

Obama's fondness for creating imaginary consensus and offering false choices to the American people has been something to behold ... and must come to and end!

The temporary occupant is right about one thing...a catastrophy did occur.  It happened on the second Tuesday of November in 2008.

Friday, December 11, 2009

And These People Vote!

Remember, these folks reproduce and can be found on your highway...and even worse....they vote!

Recently, when I went to McDonald's I saw on the menu that you could have an order of 6, 9 or 12 Chicken McNuggets.
I asked for a half dozen nuggets.
'We don't have half dozen nuggets,' said the teenager at the counter.
'You don't?' I replied.
'We only have six, nine, or twelve,' was the reply.
'So I can't order a half dozen nuggets, but I can order six?'
'That's right.'
So I shook my head and ordered six McNuggets (Unbelievable but sadly true...)

I was checking out at the local Wal-Mart with just a few items and the lady behind me put her things on the belt close to mine. I picked up one of those 'dividers' that they keep by the cash register and placed it between our things so they wouldn't get mixed.
After the girl had scanned all of my items, she picked up the 'divider', looking it all over for the bar code so she could scan it.
Not finding the bar code, she said to me, 'Do you know how much this is?'
I said to her 'I've changed my mind; I don't think I'll buy that today.'
She said 'OK,' and I paid her for the things and left.
She had no clue to what had just happened.

A woman at work was seen putting a credit card into her floppy drive and pulling it out very quickly.
When I inquired as to what she was doing, she said she was shopping on the Internet and they kept asking for a credit card number, so she was using the ATM 'thingy.'
(keep shuddering!!)

I recently saw a distraught young lady weeping beside her car. 'Do you need some help?' I asked.
She replied, 'I knew I! should have replaced the battery to this remote door unlocker. Now I can't get into my car. Do you think they (pointing to a distant convenience store) would have a battery to fit this?'
'Hmmm, I don't know. Do you have an alarm, too?' I asked.
'No, just this remote thingy,' she answered, handing it and the car keys to me. As I took the key and manually unlocked the door, I replied, 'Why don't you drive over there and check about the batteries. It's a long walk....'
PLEASE just lay down before you hurt yourself !!!

Several years ago, we had an Intern who was none too swift. One day she was typing and turned to a secretary and said, 'I'm almost out of typing paper.
What do I do?' 'Just use paper from the photocopier', the secretary told her. With that, the intern took her last remaining blank piece of paper, put it on the photocopier and proceeded to make five 'blank' copies.
Brunette, by the way!!

A mother calls 911 very worried asking the dispatcher if she needs to take her kid to the emergency room, the kid had eaten ants. The dispatcher tells her to give the kid some Benadryl and he should be fine, the mother says, 'I just gave him some ant killer......'
Dispatcher: 'Rush him in to emergency!'