Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Welcome My Friends To The Show That Never Ends

I have not commented lately in this space simply because I have been sitting back and enjoying the unfolding train wreck called the Democrat Presidential Primary. There has been so much good material, I just did not know where to start. However, it is now time to start weighing in with greater regularity.

The Demo-spat primary has been going on for a year and a half; however it feels like a period longer than married life! It has been entertaining and nauseating at the same time. Just how much populist-socialist pandering can one stand?

Hillary downing shots-and-a-beer in Indiana and fake Southern drawls in black churches. Promises to raise taxes on the evil rich while she and Hubba-Bubba rake in $109 million last year in questionable income. Hypocrisy is nothing new to Hillary (just how did you find those billing records?) but now has become so outrageous that even wild-eyed mouth-foaming liberals are taking notice. Vivid memories of withering sniper fire in Bosnia and duck hunting in her youth. Hillary wouldn't know a duck if one sat in her lap and called her "momma"! (No offense meant to Chelsea) What a show! Hillary is the best thing the Republicans have going. The longer she hangs around like the nagging ex-wife from hell, the more dysfunctional the Dumbocrat Party becomes.

As for Barack Hussein Obama? Well, just where do you start? Just who is this guy? A two dimensional image with no depth. What are his accomplishments that make him think he is qualified to be Commander-In-Chief? A still wet-behind-the ears (big ears at that!) Senator from Illinoxious rated as the most Liberal Senator in a Liberal Senate. His position on the economy is not that much different from any other without-a-clue Liberal: raise taxes! For example, on the issue of capital gains taxes; he wants to raise them from the current 15% to 29%. When it was pointed out to him that, historically, lower capital gains taxes generate more investment and therefore, higher revenues from capital gains taxes as a result his response is that the consequences of higher taxes is not the concern; the issue is one of "fairness"! The Liberal idea of "fairness is thus: If you have worked hard, taken risks and have reaped the rewards of your work and risk and have achieved "it"; that is inherently unfair. Therefore, we, who know better than you, will confiscate your "it" and give it someone who has not worked for it or taken risks to achieve it and really does not deserve it. That is, in the Liberal Universe, somehow defined as "fair." Besides that, he is completely oblivious to the fact that 40% of cap-gains tax revenue come from people making less than $50,000 / yr. (You know, the people who cling to God and guns.) Never a thought from Liberal Dem Land that cutting government spending might be part of the answer.

Historically, a man's character has, in large part, been determined by the company he keeps. This is still true unless your name is Barack Hussein Obama and the company you keep is a flaming radical black preacher damning America (Jeremiah Wright)or a un-repentent domestic terrorist such as William Ayers of Weather Underground fame. (No, Weather Underground is not a heavy metal rock band but a bunch of radical leftists that planted bombs in such places as the Pentagon and regrets they did not do more.) If the Obamessiah were a conservative Republican, the media, by now, would have left nothing more than a greasy spot on the sidewalk of 'such an out of the mainstream' candidate.

But, not to worry, we do not have a conservative Republican anywhere in sight!