Thursday, May 15, 2008

Consequences of an Obama Presidency

Being that Barack Hussein Obama is now the defacto Democrat nominee for the presidency, what would things look like four years from now should he, Heaven forbid, be elected?

The issue that would be affected the most would be the shape and texture of the Mideast, the fount of worldwide terrorism, suicide bombers, Zionaphobes and haters of the United States and her allies.

Ever since 1972 and the George McGovern candidacy, the Democrat party has longed and moaned for a Utopian world of benevolent peace and harmony, much like a spoiled child demanding the unattainable. Their perfect world would be one in which we could "talk" and "reason with" those who have no intention of talking or reasoning with us as rational partners. Past administrations have learned this the hard way through events like the bombing of the World Trade Center, the attack on the USS Cole and, of course, September 11, 2001. But not, apparently, Barack Hussein Obama and most of the left-wing-nuts he represents.

They do not wish peace simply for the lack of violence, but for the money they could divert to the insatiable welfare state of their creation and sole reason for existence. The Left cannot exist without the pandering-for-votes opportunity of a larger and larger "nanny state" but have no intentions of themselves giving up anything to keep it going. The resources taken away from national security, they see as their natural inheritance.

The lessons of 200+ years of history dictate that if the United States were to show a mere iota of weakness, surrender or cut-and-run mentality from Iraq, our enemies will salivate in their celebration of our palpable moral weakness. When a head is lowered in weakness, it will get lopped off! Therefore, with an Obama presidency, Iran will have its nuclear weapon by 2012 in the confident expectation that America has no heart to do battle to prevent it.

On the domestic front, if Barack Hussein Obama keeps his pledge to raise taxes on the top 10% of income earners, he will give them enormous incentives to come up with new and ingenious ways to lower their reported income. Since just the top 1% of top income earners pay over 35% of all income taxes paid by ALL Americans, any decline in their taxable income will result in a dramatic decline in tax revenue; which will result in calls for even higher taxes. This, Barack Hussein Obama will learn the hard way.

His policies on quasi-universal health care will change all the incentives in our current health care system; and all for the worse. Studies show that a high percentage of demands for health care are the result of bad personal behaviors, such as eating or drinking too much, not exercising enough, and not taking advantage of preventive care. All this results in the tremendous waste of health dollars because they are paid by the State, not the responsible individual. Many older doctors, along with their wealth of knowledge and experience, with leave the profession rather than become employees of the State, constantly regulated, badgered and demeaned.

Neither Barack Hussein Obama, now the creature and prisoner of the American far Left, seems to understand how incentives motivate human behavior -- not force, nor coercion, mockery or nursery-school regulation. Real possibilities of good rewards up ahead for free and responsible actions are what produce growth, prosperity and security. They still live in the failed fantasy world of the European Left of 150 years ago.

Having learned nothing from the failures of socialist and statist and anti-capitalist ideas of the last 100 years, they are doomed to repeat those mistakes with devastating results. They porpel themselves, not with practical wisdom, but with outrage and contempt and an overarching desire to punish those who do not agree with them.

During a Barack Hussein Obama reign, virtue, character and responsibility for oneself would be mocked and discouraged. The State would take over more and more of life; leaving less and less control over one's own future. Moral concepts of right and wrong would be relegated to the Nanny State . . . and woe be unto 'right-wing' dissenters!

One can only hope that Barack Hussein Obama, as president, will be dissuaded from acting as he now says he will. Only in that way, as in the old proverb, will "God take care of children, drunks and the United States. "

But don't count on it!