Thursday, May 15, 2008

Obama and Pretty Boy?

John Edwards, former presidential candidate and losing VP candidate with the haughty looking John Kerry, yesterday endorsed Barack Hussein Obama in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Watching the newsclips of the event reminded me of just how smarmy Edwards, a vehicle to carry around a haircut, really is. Edwards' endorsement of Obama is just the latest in a line of high-profile Democrats who have thrown Hilliary Clinton under the campaign bus on the road to Denver.

Once again, Edwards, the "champion of the poor?" is in the spotlight spouting populist pablum. The former ambulance chaser with the exaggerated North Carolina drawl who lives in a 28,000 sq foot, $6 million 102 acre estate and $400 haircuts is the poor-man's champion. What a sick joke! Even with the sound off, the video of this bottom-crawling-scum-sucking-scavenger leaves you reaching for the anti-bacterial soap. His facial expression while speaking at you is one of raised eyebrow pandering condescension; reminiscent of the high-school frat boy we all knew with new contact lenses, constantly blinking with nose held high.

The professional chattering class are now all agog at the prospect of an Obama / Edwards ticket this fall.

Perfect! The empty suit and the empty head. It just doesn't get any better than that!