Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Audacious Hoax

The fictional telling of Hillary’s hair-raising , bravery under fire, resume enhancing trip to Tuzla, Bosnia is just amazing; but unsurprising. It is just one more of those little “I misspoke” episodes to add to Whitewater, Travelgate, the missing Rose law firm, suspicious pardons, Johnny Chung and cattle futures.

For those of you who are “news deprived”, at a recent campaign speech Hillary regaled the crowd with her version of a daring aerial decent to the Tuzla airfield complete with military evasive maneuvers and a movie-like dash to safety from the plane to awaiting, presumably, armored transport; All this to escape withering sniper fire for the surrounding hillsides.

Just another day in the life of a First Lady that takes the tough jobs and goes to places that are “too poor or too dangerous” for the President. This Indiana Joan tale made good fare for her adoring crowds until that pesky CBS News outfit (no vast right wing conspirator there) had the audacity to dig out the actual footage of that, perilous in her own mind, event. The now famous video shows the First Lady and her daughter Chelsea leisurely strolling down the steps of the plane and across the tarmac to a pre-staged greeting party complete with an eight year old little girl reciting poetry and presenting flowers to Hillary. Hillary in turn rewarded the little Miss with air kisses and greeted others in the party. No sniper fire; no mad dash to the safety of vehicles, no emergency military landing under fire.

But that is all right. She simply misspoke, being, as she explained, sleep deprived from all her hard work and experience of the past 35 years. But something unusual has happened this time. The news media did not let it die on the vine.

Now Bosnia-gate. This “embellisment”, apparently told for years, may be the proverbial straw that broke the jack-asses back. It is becoming a watershed event in Clintontopia and one that may just give the peasants of her serfdom a very rare chance to liberate themselves. No more apologizing. Now comes the euphoria, the liberation, the freedom of . . . Bosnian snipers! Suddenly, liberals all over are remembering that they never really liked the Clintons, even as they defended them in the 1990s. Suddenly, they can sidle into a discussion about Mrs. Clinton's ethics, and all on a subject that (bonus!) is relevant to today's race. Suddenly, they can break free of the Clintons, much as New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson did earlier this week, with a look of ecstasy, as he ran toward the daylight and endorsed Mr. Obama.