Sunday, March 29, 2009

"Chaotic and Unforgiving Capitalism" Is What We Need

Last week President Teleprompter wrote in the Chicago Tribune, “But I also know that we need not choose between a chaotic and unforgiving capitalism and an oppressive government-run economy. That is a false choice that will not serve our people or any people.”

That is funny! I did not know we were being offered a choice. When the president’s teleprompter told B. Hussein to declare war on the business community a couple of weeks ago, the only ‘choice’ he left on the table was an oppressive government-run economy. Just how oppressive is still unknown, but oppressive it will be.

And it does not stop here at home. Treasury Secretary (and part-time tax cheat) Timothy Geithner, America’s own Toxic Asset, has called for “global regulation”. Now there is a term that just rolls off the tongue and warms the cockles of the liberal heart!

Says Toxic Timmy, “We can’t allow institutions to cherry pick among competing regulators and ship risk to where it faces the lowest standards and weakest constraints. .”

In other words, ‘we will not allow businesses (and soon to be individuals) to manage their own affairs and accumulate wealth unless we tell them they can and then tax it all away.’

You will be forced to let economically illiterate, demagogic legislators-for-life like Barfy Frank (d-Mass) make investment and business decisions for you. How do you like that ‘warm-and-fuzzy’ feeling?

President Teleprompter and Toxic Timmy grow daily ever more hostile to the private sector and ever more comfortable with the notion of micro-managed government-approved capitalism – which, of course, is not capitalism at all. Consider this: it takes extraordinary skill to create and manage a billion-dollar company; there are very few very smart people in the world that can do that. Now look at President Teleprompter and Toxic Timmy, the two currently ‘managing’ (or more accurately ‘mangling’) more money than any individuals in human history – TRILLIONS, not billions! Not very comforting when you realize that Toxic Timmy can’t figure out Turbo Tax and President Teleprompter’s only management experience was running an penny-ante shakedown operation in Chicago as a ‘community agitator’.

In their first two months, Obama and Geithner have vaporized your wealth and your children’s and grand-children’s future. What was an economic problem has been hijacked and used to set up the largest political power-grab in our history. As more than one Obama Administration official has stated, ‘never let a good crises go to waste.”

“Chaotic and unforgiving capitalism” is exactly what we need right now. It is the quickest, cheapest, fairest, most-efficient road to economic stabilization and renewal.