Wednesday, March 18, 2009

B. Hussein Received AIG 'Bonus' Too

President B. Hussein, back when he was only a lowly money-grubbing Senator in 2008, received a $101,332 bonus from American International Group (AIG). This bonus came in the form of political contributions. The two biggest congressional recipients of AIG bonuses are (then) Senator B. Hussein and Senator Chris Dodd (d). Surprise, surprise!

The AIG Financial products affiliate of AIG gave out $136,928 in political ‘bonuses’, the most of any AIG affiliate, in the 2008 campaign cycle of which B. Hussein received 75%. It is also interesting to note, if only the main-stream-media would, that AIG’s financial products division is the same unit that wrote trillions of dollars’ worth of credit-default swaps and “misjudged” the risk causing, in large part, our financial mess today.

The Washington Post bird-cage liner reports a “mob effect” at AIG financial products division:

“A tidal wave of public outrage over bonus payments swamped American International Group yesterday. Hired guards stood watch outside the suburban Connecticut offices of AIG Financial Products, the division whose exotic derivatives brought the insurance giant to the brink of collapse last year.”

You have no doubt heard all the political huffing & puffing about the “outrageous” bonuses that AIG paid out to its executives due to contractual obligations. These very same contractual obligations were protected by specific language inserted into the $787 Billion 'Economic Stimulus' package by none other than, you guessed it, Senator Chris Dodd (d) and the Democrat controlled Senate Finance Committee.

Perhaps all the anger and rage being exhibited by B. Hussein and Company, in light of the ‘bonuses’ they received are nothing more than crocodile tears. Politicians of all ilks have their taxpayer provided undies all in a wad demanding the AIG executives who received bonuses return the money to the idiots who gave it to them. Now one would wonder if they will hold themselves to the same standard? Will B. Hussein and Chris Dodd give back the money they received from AIG? Waiting for this to happen would be like teaching a pig to sing: It would only waste your time and just irritate the pig!

It is very clear that the motto for the Obama Administration, be it taxes or ‘bonuses’ is:

“Do as I say . . . not as I do!”