Friday, March 06, 2009

Bush Tried to Warn Congress . . . but they would not listen!

The next time you look at the stock market indexes or open you 401k or brokerage statements, just remember who is really responsible for the greatest wealth destruction of modern times.

The following news report clearly shows that the Bush administration and Senator John McCain warned about the crises precipitated by the Fannie Mae and Ginny Mac melt-downs and how Democrats such as Barney Barfy Frank and Charles Smarmy Schumer were the cause of the problems we are facing now. They set up the nightmare we are now living through - the Obama Bear Market.

This report was posted on YouTube in the US but the Democrats in Congress do not want you to see it. Therefore, one of their favorite butt-boys, Time-Warner threatened a law suit (some proprietary rights B**S****) if it was not taken off. This copy was routed through Canada.

Please forward this link to all you know and tell them to watch this every time they hear one of the liberal idiots blaming Bush for this economic crises. The fact is that Bush tried to warn Congress as early as 2002.

Watch this and get mad...I mean really mad....and remember that feeling in the elections of 2010 (if we last that long).

The Tennessee Conservative