Tuesday, March 24, 2009

America Close to Freaking Out!

The Obama presidency is a sign we have lost, at least temporarily, our national will.

Signs of our collective weakness emerged after 9/11 when only part of the American populace took seriously the fact that we were (are) at war with an evil and focused enemy determined to destroy our way of life. Since then, al Qaeda has refused to quit despite debilitating losses and a US political class unwittingly assisting them here at home.

Too many Americans no longer want to engage our external threats head-on. On the domestic front, we are confronting the economic crisis of our lifetime with the same irresponsible spending spree that got us into this mess to start with. The Plan: Create more government dependency; reward the incompetent; and print more money. (In other words: Double-down on stupidity!)

The ‘Greatest Generation’ (our parents and grand-parents), which learned the valuable and painful lessons from the Depression and World War II, is not here to guide us through these difficult times. We are a trust-fund nation (picture a DebuTart, just name one) whose BMW has run out of gas in the middle of nowhere after a pointless 115 mile per hour joy ride, credit cards maxed and out of cell phone range, who can’t understand why daddy is not there when she pouts. The narcissistic baby boomers are now firmly in charge, and therein lies the problem. Where are the adults?

What is scaring us – even Obamaites, though many won’t admit it – is that we elected a president, American Idol style, who wants more than anything (even more than Bill Clinton) to be liked. And he can’t even get that right (let me count the ways):

1. His headlong rush to persuade foreign governments – even enemy regimes – to embrace us is rebuffed; ie: Iran’s shrug-off of his YouTube appeasement of the mullahs. (Yes, he actually sent a YouTube message to a foreign government!)

2. His unprecedented appearance, as a sitting Commander-in-Chief, on The Tonight Show without his Teleprompter, resulting in an embarrassing slap to Special Olympics and the disabled. When the going gets tough, the weak go on Leno.

3. The cheesy gift from the leader of the free world to the British prime minister of 25 films on DVD from the White House gift shop – that don’t even work on U.K. players!

4. Floating the idea, albeit briefly, to require injured warriors to pay to have private insurers take care of their war related treatment.

5. Allowing the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to dictate the terms of his budget- and Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd, the symbols of incompetence and hubris – to be the spokesmen for his financial bailout.

And there are more examples everyday!

These are not beginner’s mistakes; these are his core incompetencies.

Folks, America is getting very close to officially freaking out!