Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Fighting in Exile!

The longest democratic succession struggle in the history of the world is finally over. This has been a struggle characterized by, in large part, a suspension of common sense, a national media who have abdicated their position of trust for ideology, questionable tactics and a gullible public willing to sell their souls for a few coins of silver; but it is now over and we must go forward.

We are now faced with the reality of at least four years under siege from the most liberal and radical president and the most liberal and radical Congress in the history of the United States. One can only hope that this is not the opening statement of the last chapter in the history of these United States as it was founded and has flourished for 232 years.

I am not usually so apocalyptic; however the toxic soup of an Obama, Reid, Pelosi troika in control of the White House, Senate and House of Reprobates simmering in the bitter broth of an 'entitlement mentality' electorate emits the poisonous fumes of socialism. Add to that to the specter of our enemies, foreign and domestic, licking their chops in anticipation of the opportunity to further damage the United States under the leadership of the untested and untried.

It now strikes me that I may have really underestimated the creepiness of the whole thing!

This unholy triumphant is driven by a precept of socialist ideology that holds ‘what is theirs is theirs and what is yours is theirs!’ This is evinced by such statements as made by Virginia Representative Jim Moran (d) lamenting at a Democrat fund raiser, “…we have been guided by a Republican administration who believes in the simplistic notion that people who have wealth are entitled to keep it, and they have an antipathy towards means of redistributing wealth. And they may be able to sustain that for a while, but it doesn't work in the long run.” This is further reinforced by the inadvertent slip of truth by Obama and his “spread the wealth” statement elicited by the now infamous Joe the Plumber.

They believe that it is a “simplistic notion” that you should feel entitled to keep what you have worked for and earned. How dare you resent having it taking from you by force (taxation) and given to someone else not of your choosing. These self-important liberals are convinced you are so stupid as to be unable to make decisions for you and your family. They see you as totally incapable of managing your own financial affairs. If only would agree to give them all your money and let them give you back only what they deem you deserve, the world would be all butterflies and unicorns. Why can’t you see that only they are endowed with the wisdom to properly take care of you, you poor wretch, even if they have to spend every thing you have.

Selfish and simplistic. This is how they think of the average American. The same average American who they will burden with more and more taxes and more and more rules and regulations. The death of a thousand cuts.

Conservatives will now be exiled to four years of wandering the political wilderness. This may be what we need to force a return to our core principles of liberty and freedom; secure in the belief that what we earn, we keep; that we and we alone are responsible for ourselves and families. Far from being ‘selfish’, Conservatives have always freely given to those in need. The difference being, we give out of compassion by our own volition and to whom we choose; not by some misguided sense of ‘fairness’ by the force of taxation.

As I said earlier, what is done is done and we must go forward; but we do not have to surrender unconditionally! Do not fear, my friends, but be vigilant and persevere. During this exile, the Tennessee Conservative, and millions like me, will continue the good fight, always vigilant and ready to speak out against the lurch leftward that seems to be in the offing. The ‘Fairness Police’ will not silence your humble scribe. I will wage an insurgency of common sense from my underground bunker in an undisclosed location and invite you to join with me. Do not go quietly into the night! Do not suffer in silence! Your voice must be heard. Do your duty to hold these politicians to task and make them accountable for their actions.

Fight on troops, fight on!


The Tennessee Conservative